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Kokobiel's Slow Burn Love

by tom_the_wagon

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Sleep Over

After the food was cooked and everyone had settled somewhere in the living room to eat Marcus came in the room with a portable radio as he flipped through channels. He eventually got a station that picked up older music, and some radio show was connected to it. Kokobiel sat together on the couch and Sam sat with Marcus at the bar. Dingo was reclined back in a chair and had already finished her food and passed out. Rykard sat on the ground playing cards on the coffee table with Carly. Kokobiel didn't mind the food, he wasn't a very big noodle person but the broth was warm and tasted pretty good.
"It has been forever since I've had something that tasted that good and was warm," Morgan said as he set down his bowl. A knock came from the door.
"I got it," Marcus said as he got up and went to the door. Kokobiel sat up so he could see the door from the couch as Marcus opened it. It was another chupa, he assumed it was Jack with how Marcus just let him in as he walked away from the door. Jack set down a few bags as he slung off a backpack and put it on the floor. He was the same blue Tom was but he was shorter and his hair was white but short on the sides. Jack walked over to the couch as he gave Kokobiel and Morgan a head nod before he slid to Rykard and put him in a chokehold and began to give him a noogie. Rykard fought back before Jack soon let go.
"You really got to pay more attention. That's three times in a row I've done that so far," Jack said as he sat back. Rykard blew at him through his nose before he signed something back to him.
"Oh you won't ever get me back, you definitely won't ever no matter what," Jack said as he stood back up.
Jack looked around as he spotted Kokobiel on the couch.
"Another new guy. I guess this means we're going back to base while y'all lay around here?" Jack asked aloud.
"Yeah something like that, just four of us since you still need Dingo to get past the checkpoint heading back," Morgan replied back.

"I guess that isn't too bad. Will we get a new mission reassignment?" Jack asked Morgan.
"Probably. HQ hasn't said anything yet but they're unpredictable at times. There has been an increase in House activities, so maybe we'll have to cut down on our own activity and just watch," Morgan said back. Jack stood there before he went around to the kitchen.
"So whatcha guys make for dinner?" Jack asked as he got out a bowl and went to the stove.
"Just noodles and broth, we didn't exactly know what we wanted so we decided that was best," Sam said as she stood up with her bowl and went to the sink. Kokobiel heard a lid be opened before it was set on to the counter before it was placed back onto the pot. Jack came back around the corner before he sat in between Kokobiel and Morgan.
"I assume we aren't leaving tonight due to the fact curfew is already in effect, and that Dingo is already passed out," Jack said as he began to eat.
"Yeah, most likely, but it's not like we need her to drive. She's just good at it." Morgan said.
"She's also the only one that the guards know. Yeah we could pay them off but we're stupid." Jack replied back.
"That is also true. But we can worry about that stuff when dawn breaks. I'm too tired to care at the moment," Morgan said as he got up.
"Come on, not even going to play cards, or still salty from last time?" Jack said as he teased Morgan.
"That's because you cheat. White jester seven times in a row? There was no way in hell you got it seven times in a row," Morgan said as he turned to Jack. Jack was giving a cheap smile as Morgan stared at him in anger.
"You two shit heads knock it off, don't make me come over there." Marcus said, his voice a little louder than normal. Morgan stepped back as Jack dropped his smile, Morgan turned around as he went down a hallway and into a room. Kokobiel sighed before he got up and went the way Morgan had gone.
"I'll go talk to him," Kokobiel said as he walked to the room.

Kokobiel knocked on the door before he entered the room. He found Morgan sitting away from the door on a bed.
"What do you want?" Morgan asked not turning to look who it was.
"Always so moody. I assume the dramatics run in the family? Or is it being fire prone?" Kokobiel asked sarcastically as he sat on the bed and leaned over to Morgan.
"Y'know, you're a real jackass sometimes, but you already know that!" Morgan barked at him as he turned to Kokobiel. Kokobiel could see he was working on his arm with a screwdriver driver still left in it.
"Yes I know, but you're stubborn and humor helps. Now that I have your attention, do you want to talk about what happened there?" Kokobiel asked as he looked into Morgan's eyes.
"Not really no. I just find him annoying at times. I know he does it for fun and games but he does it so often it annoys me," Morgan said as he fidgeted with the screwdriver.
"Have you tried talking to him about it?" Kokobiel asked, his hand trailing over to Morgan's knee.
"Not really, I've told him to screw off from time to time but that message hasn't gotten through to him," Morgan replied back as he removed the screw driver.
"Maybe it would help if you did talk to him," Kokobiel suggested.
"But why should I, he's not going to hear me out, he's like a brick wall. I just need to compose myself when I'm around him," Morgan said as he threw up his hands before bringing them back down.
"Well I think it'd be easier if you both work together or else it's just going to get worse," Kokobiel said back he meant it with sincerity. Morgan sat in silence before he moved his metal hand over Kokobiels as he leaned onto his shoulder.
"It's just hard to talk about stuff y'know, some people don't make it easy. Well you make it pretty easy," Morgan said as he squeezed Kokobiels hand.

"People aren't easy but that's what makes them interesting, you never know what you'll get from a person," Kokobiel said as he laid his head upon Morgan's. Morgan didn't reply back, Kokobiel could feel the metal hand rub his own.
"It's been a long day, we should probably get some rest," Kokobiel said as he lifted up his head.
"Hold on before you get up, could you maybe stay in here with me tonight? The bed is big enough for the both of us," Morgan asked as he grabbed Kokobiels hand.
"I don't see why I couldn't just figure you would want the privacy," Kokobiel said as he sat back down.
"Yeah I just uh, don't want to be alone is all," Morgan said as he leaned in, Kokobiel could sense his awkwardness now. Kokobiel let out a chuckle as he shook his head.
"You really can't make it easy on yourself can you?" Kokobiel asked Morgan, but before he could even respond Kokobiel had pulled down his mask and his lips met with Kokobiel's. They stayed there for a small moment, Kokobiel could feel Morgan's hands trying to find some place to sit before he guided his own into them. Kokobiel broke the kiss as he looked at Morgan. The expression Morgan has was between surprise, confusion, and enjoyment.
"I think you really needed that, and probably wanted that." Kokobiel said to him. Morgan gave a slight nod as he mind came back to him, he looked away in what Kokobiel could only assume was embarrassment.
"You're a dick you know that, you could've gone for longer," Morgan said as he tried to hide his smirk.
"Glad to see you enjoyed it, I was a little worried I pushed a bit too far too fast," Kokobiel said nervously.

"I guess to be fair I was going to do the same thing, just you're kind of intimidating," Morgan said as he scooted closer to him.
"You're not the first to say that you know?" Kokobiel asked.
"I'm not surprised at all," Morgan said as he leaned into Kokobiel. Kokobiel lifted his legs onto the bed as he moved around as he held onto Morgan.
"Can we lay down, I would like to fall asleep in your arms tonight," Morgan said as he turned to face him as he moved to the top part of the bed.
"That is really gay but since you asked so nicely," Kokobiel said as he joined Morgan. Morgan layed down as he took off his robotic arm. Morgan pulled the blanket over him as he looked back to Kokobiel. Kokobiel let out a sigh as he got up and went to the other side of the bed as he slipped under the blanket as well. Kokobiel laid back as he reached over to Morgan and pulled him towards himself.
"I might get a little hot at night. Can I take off my jacket and shirt?" Morgan asked as he was already taking off the jacket.
"I don't mind but if we're getting comfortable can I take my shirt off?" Kokobiel asked as he sat up.
"Yeah I don't mind, this isn't gay this is just bros being bros right?" Morgan asked as he tossed his jacket and shirt on the nightstand.
"Whatever you want to tell yourself," Kokobiel replied back as he folded up his shirt and set it on the floor. Kokobiel rolled back over to find Morgan had already gone back to his previous position. He didn't have to pull him over this time, he slipped an arm underneath him as he put the other one over him. It was a strange feeling to not have the weight of another's arm while holding them. It was even stranger when he tried to hold the hand that wasn't there before he settled for Morgan's good hand.
"I don't want to hear a word about this tomorrow." Morgan said as he interlocked his hand with Kokobiels.

"My lips are sealed, I'll just tell them we were screwing all night instead of snuggling up to each other and making out." Kokobiel joked back.
"We didn't even make out, we kissed that's all. Let's not rush into things, I don't want to hurt you and I don't want to be hurt," Morgan said as he rubbed Kokobiel's hand.
"That's very understandable." Kokobiel replied back.
"Let's just talk..." Morgan yawned, "...about this in the morning." Morgan got comfortable and began to doze off. Kokobiel laid there in thought, he enjoyed this he did but it felt off. Did he rush things? Did he even know whether or not Morgan wanted this. It worried him deeply but he figured to just enjoy the moment, it was probably just anxiety getting to him. He slowly fell asleep as he pulled Morgan in closer to him.

An alarm went off for a small moment before it was turned off. Kokobiel stirred as he lifted his head up, Morgan was no longer in his arms and gleams of sunlight came through the window.
"Good morning, I hope you don't mind me leaving you to sleep while I got up," Morgan said as he adjusted his metal arm.
"No I don't mind," Kokobiel said as he sat up.
"Can we talk about last night?" Kokobiel asked as he was fully sat up now. Morgan stopped as he looked to Kokobiel and gave a slight sigh as he sat on the bed.
"I did enjoy last night, I just don't know if I'm ready for something. You're great and I want you to know that but I don't want to force what's not meant to be. It's not that we can't share moments but I just want to take it slow." Morgan said.
"I understand that, and we can take it slow and I'm sorry for last night if I rushed into it I just could have sworn you were about to do it yourself," Kokobiel said as he joined him on the other side of the bed.
"I was going to, I just was thinking about it, and no it wasn't a rush, just slightly unexpected more than anything. I really thought you didn't like me or at least didn't like me in a romantic way," Morgan said back.
"I do like you, I'd even say there's a fire for you," Kokobiel said as he reached over to hold Morgan's hand.
"Oh thank Omega. I thought you were about to say love," Morgan said as he took Kokobiel's hand in his.
"Oh no that's way too far for that's like if we were dating or married." Kokobiel said he was slightly hurt but love is a very strong word and way too early for them.
"Yeah, but I enjoy the time spent with you and I wouldn't mind uh sleeping in the same bed as you." Morgan said with embarrassment in his tone.
"You mean cuddling, that's what we did," Kokobiel said as a smirk crawled across his face.
"Shut your shitlips," Morgan said as he lightly punched him in the arm before leaning on him.
"You're the one who kissed these shit lips," Kokobiel teased as he laid back and leaned over the bed to grab his shirt.
"You make a good point," Morgan said as he got up and put on his jacket. Kokobiel put his shirt on as he got up as well, Morgan was fixing the sleeves of his jacket before he opened the door and left the room.

The hallway was dark for the most part with the windows letting in some light through the blinds. Kokobiel followed behind Morgan as they went into the living room. The radio was on but it was quieter and on a different channel. Sounded like the news more specifically the weather since it had mentioned rain sometime that day. Dingo was still in the chair, still asleep now just covered in a blanket. Jack was the one on the couch who was asleep as well. Kokobiel looked to the kitchen to find Rykard putting a pan on the stove and cracking an egg into it. Rykard looked over to the two as he gave a devious smile before he made a gesture with his hands. Making a hole with two fingers and putting a finger through it with the other hand.
"No we didn't screw you perv, we just ended up sleeping in the same room," Morgan said as he came into the kitchen. Rykard rolled his eyes as he went back to the stove. Kokobiel ignored it as he sat at the dining table. The sear of the eggs could be heard before the sizzling of some sort of meat behind him. A door opened behind Kokobiel and he looked back to see Sam stepping out of a room as she walked down the hallway.
"Good morning." Morgan said as she walked in the room.
"Morning to you as well, y'all are up early," Sam said as she joined Kokobiel at the table.
"Either two of you want anything to eat?" Morgan asked. Kokobiel shook his head, he didn't feel hungry and if he did he could just snack.
"Two eggs and some ham please, I am starving," Sam said as she rubbed her eyes.
"Where's Marcus?" Kokobiel asked.
"Still asleep, he sleeps like he's in a coma. I wouldn't expect him to be awake until a little later," Sam replied back.
"Well as long as he's good for going back today I really don't care," Morgan said as he looked through cabinets for something.

It wasn't long before the food was done and all of them were at the table eating. Kokobiel sat there as he tried to stay awake but his eyes betrayed him as he nodded off.

Red vs Blue © Rooster Teeth. Halo © 343 Industries. Concept by Myshu, assisted by The Department of Chupapology.

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