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Kokobiel's Slow Burn Love

by tom_the_wagon

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6

Chapter 5: Supply Run

The ride was bumpy for the most part, but it wasn't long until they reached a checkpoint and the van's engine died down.
"How many people, what are you carrying, and identification papers." The checkpoint guard said.
"Six people, carrying supplies to the House higher ups, fancy wines and foods like that," Dingo said as she handed over an ID. Kokobiel could see her left hand on something as she pointed it to the van door. He could only assume it was a pistol but he stayed cool about it as he shifted. He patted his side. Usually he would carry his sidearm there, but he had to have left it at the base.
The guard looked at the ID as he looked at a clipboard. He sat in silence for a while and stared sternly at the ID.
"Things check out. Come on through, then we have to check the vehicle," the guard said before waving the van through. They moved forward before stopping again, another guard coming up to the van window. Dingo relaxed as she took her hand off the gun.
"Good to see you again. I assume you have the credits?" the guard asked.
"Good to see you again as well," Dingo replied back as she pulled credits out of her coat pocket and handed over the credits. The guard took the credits and counted them before sliding it into his own pocket. He then disappeared from the van and reappeared on the other side before waving them through.

The van moved before it finally started to pick up speed and they were back onto the road towards the town.
"What was that all about?" Kokobiel asked aloud.
"Bribery. First guard checks ID, second guard checks the vehicle and luggage. It's easier to pay a second guard then it is to pay two," Dingo said as she popped open the center console and shoved the ID into it.
"What about the ID? There's no way we are House transportation and delivery," Kokobiel stated as he looked in confusion.
"Guards don't know that. And it might be hard, but we've figured out the days the House sends out supply vehicles. We take the name and ID of one and become them. We usually leave an inconvenience for the actual supply van: broken tree, flat tire, oil leak, anything to delay them," Dingo replied back. Kokobiel thought before he gave a nod and relaxed back into his spot.
"First time going through a checkpoint?" Sam had asked Kokobiel.
"First checkpoint I've gone through with a rebel group, but the other times also weren't fun," Kokobiel said. Sam let out a snrk before leaning her head back.
"To be fair, that was one of our smoother checkpoint go-throughs. I still remember my second checkpoint go-through. That was not a fun time," Morgan said as he adjusted in his spot. He was trying to find a comfortable place to lean on the box. Kokobiel moved to the front of the box as he pushed it back some more, Morgan finally settling.
"What happened at your second checkpoint?" Kokobiel asked. Morgan looked at him before he smirked.
"Glad someone's interested in hearing about it, unlike some other folks." Morgan eyed Sam and Carly with an angry sterness. They both rolled their eyes before looking back at him.
"So this was back when I still had my arm, which I lost about a week later. It was a simple job, smuggling some ammo through a checkpoint - which was going really well until they wanted to search the crates. It would have been fine if they did; the ammo was spread out and marked with different symbols for the 'base' they were going to. But the guards were full-on dumbasses not able to recognize the red army symbol, and they were not happy about that. So what ended up happening was I got dragged out the vehicle, hit with the stock of a gun, and had to sit until a House officer came through, who got me out with a warning. Then they slashed my tires, and I had to push it all the way to the drop off," Morgan said as he rambled on. It was almost impressive how much he could talk.

"Yeah, then I had to come pick you up and replace the tires," Dingo said from the driver's seat.
"Listen, you sent me on that run, you suffer the consequences," Morgan responded back, flipping her off. Dingo blew a raspberry at him before she went back to focusing on the road.
"Well we have a couple hours before we get where we need to be, so I'm gonna nap in that time. You three entertain each other," Morgan said as he laid his back on the box.
"Oh yeah, leaving us to fend for ourselves. However shall we survive?" Carly said very sarcastically.
"Honestly a nap wouldn't be too bad," Sam said as she herself thought about taking one. Carly rolled his eyes as he threw a glove that came from his pocket at her. Sam ignored it hitting her before tossing it back. Kokobiel sat quietly as he watched them. He felt something fall upon his shoulder as he found Morgan leaning there.
"Bud, you're leaning on me," Kokobiel said as he nudged Morgan. But he didn't move, he didn't even respond to Kokobiel. Kokobiel waved a hand in front of his face. He was out cold.
"Damn, he falls asleep fast and sleeps like a rock. Must be nice," Kokobiel said as he adjusted to Morgan laying on his shoulder.
"Pft, gaaaeeey," Sam said as she raised her head. Kokobiel looked unamused as he looked at her. She smirked before laying her head back.
"Don't judge them. I didn't want to see you and your boyfriend making out, but I did because ya know you just did it the one time we shared a room," Carly snarked back.
"That's different! I'm actually dating him. Those two are just cuddling up," Sam rebutted.
"Oh leave the love birds alone. I'm sure if we left them alone, we wouldn't have to worry about them being cold," Dingo said from the front seat. The two in the back laughed, and Kokobiel could see Rykard chuckling.
"You guys are just jealous I'm a big fucking pillow and yall can't lay on me," Kokobiel said smugly. If he was going to be made fun of, he was going to get the best out of it. Sam flipped him off without leaning her head forward. Carly didn't care, nor the two in the front.

Kokobiel felt a wetness on his shoulder before he looked to find Morgan drooling.
"Alright that's too much, even for me. Off you go," Kokobiel said as he pushed Morgan off of him and back onto the box. He laid his own head back as he tried to doze off, but it was almost impossible with the van moving so much.
It was about two more hours before they finally reached the town. Morgan had woken up once the van began to slow as they entered the town.
"Remember we aren't here to look for anything. This is a supply run and crew change. No goofing about," Dingo said as she parked the van in front of a small home. Morgan opened up the back before he dragged the large box to the front. It was much easier to slide than it was to carry. Kokobiel followed behind him as he scooted past the box, Sam and Carly following suit.
Dingo hopped out of the front and Rykard came from the other side. Dingo went up to the door, knocking in a specific way. The door opened as a black chupa opened the door. He was much taller than Dingo, but probably around the same height as Kokobiel. Sam was behind Dingo before she pushed past her and hugged the black chupa. The chupa was surprised, but quickly reciprocated the action.
"It's so good to see you Marcus! It's been way too long, sweetie," Sam said as she let go and backed up to look at him.
"Too long is far too correct. Come inside, please. We have supplies ready for you all," Marcus said as he backed away from the doorway and walked further into the home. Sam and Dingo entered as the rest came up the stairs and into the home.
"I guess this isn't just a casual visit?" Kokobiel asked Morgan.
"No, info and supplies. You have experience with collecting info, right?" Morgan asked back.
"Yeah, of course I do. Got to keep a keen eye on everything," Kokobiel replied. Morgan gave a nod as he entered the house. It was well lit and a very open home. A table sat in a separate section of the open part of the house, which then connected to the kitchen. The other side was a living room which connected to a hallway Kokobiel couldn't see down. Morgan walked to the kitchen as he joined the others. He leaned against the counter as Dingo and Marcus spoke.

"The supply routes have stayed the same. It seems no one has caught on to our shenanigans. I have noticed an increase of soldiers coming through this town though, as well as House activity has increased. They've been making more ammo and taking in more recruits. They're getting desperate. We could strike soon," Marcus said as he marked things onto a map.
"What about the heavier arms? We couldn't attack here. I saw how many soldiers there were as we passed through," Dingo said in rebuttal.
"Of course not here. They are putting most forces on the border of Wortistan and Blarganthia. Apparently something is going on down there," Marcus said back.
"I haven't heard anything from command about it. Maybe it's the Resistance? We worked with them once," Morgan chimed in. Kokobiel now realized just how dedicated these people were towards the goal of their rebellion.
"What about the Freelancer group? Maybe their nut job of a director has finally played his cards?" Dingo said, but was more asking.
"Very funny, but no, it'd be too early for him to do that. Maybe if he was cornered, yeah, but his site isn't there. Somewhere else; he hid himself very well," Marcus said with annoyance.
"Sorry there wasn't intention behind that one," Dingo replied back as she looked down.
"What?" Kokobiel asked, confused by what they meant.
"How much does he know?" Marcus asked as he looked to Kokobiel.

"Not enough, but we don't have time. I'll run it over him tonight. Just figure out where we're attacking. You are our tactician after all," Morgan said as he dragged Kokobiel from the table.
"What was that all about?" Kokobiel asked as he walked with Morgan.
"Kokobiel you big idiot, this is real. I understand you've spent a while with my brother, but this isn't a joke anymore - not like how Tom jokes. Please take this seriously, for the benefit of all of us - for Sirca," Morgan said as he looked Kokobiel in the eyes. Morgan laid a hand on Kokobiel's shoulder as he stared at him.
"I will for you, at the very least," Kokobiel replied back as he brought a hand to Morgan's.
"Thank you - also this feels a bit gay. Not that that's bad," Morgan said.
"Oh most definitely, but I don't mind. You wouldn't be the first guy into me," Kokobiel said as he smirked and poked Morgan's side with his elbow.
"Shut up you overgrown rat," Morgan spat back as he jabbed him in the arm. They rejoined the group, which was now to a normal conversation.
"We do have beef, so I could make a stew for tonight. Maybe a game of cards? We have a radio and we just rarely turn it on. But it can't ever go wrong with tunes," Marcus said as he sat on a bar stool.
"Any veggies, or eggs and flour? I can make noodles and a broth of some sort," Dingo suggested.
"Honestly anything works for me," Morgan butted in, as Kokobiel nodded in agreement.
"Well tonight is gonna be cold. Hopefully Jack gets back here before curfew. I swear I need to put a leash on him," Marcus said. Rykard had signed something, but Kokobiel didn't know sign language. Marcus' response told him what he needed.
"Yeah a harness would be better; he'd only hang himself with a leash," Marcus said in response.
"Let's just do the noodle thing. I'm not craving meat, and with the broth we can have some bread to soak it up," Sam said as she spun on the other bar stool. They all nodded in agreement as Marcus got up from the bar stool.

Red vs Blue © Rooster Teeth. Halo © 343 Industries. Concept by Myshu, assisted by The Department of Chupapology.

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