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Kokobiel's Slow Burn Love

by tom_the_wagon

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6

Chapter 1: First Meeting

A gray chupa with strips of black intermittent with his fur slowly made their way down a hallway, rifle in hand and wearing ballistic armor. This is Kokobiel. Another followed behind him, a lighter blue one with a rifle and armor. This is Tom, his teammate. The two had made their way into an enemy base, well a base captured by enemies, the two crept the halls as they checked corners. It seemed empty, nobody walked through the halls, rooms were empty and no noises were made other than the base's ambience. The two creeped into a room, it was dark except for a mapping table that glowed in the middle of the room. The two walked up to it as they noticed the map had several markings, they seemed to mark places of interest, caches, hideouts, drop off points. Kokobiel turned around to find a light before they suddenly flicked on, a masked figure stood as he aimed a robotic arm, Kokobiel whipped around as he grabbed Tom, pulling him behind the table as a shot rang out.
"See I have unwanted guests with me tonight," a voice said, presumably from their attacker, before an audible eject then metal click was heard.

"Now I really don't want to kill you so if ya just stand up slowly I won't have to do so," the voice said. Tom looked over to Kokobiel as he shook his head in disagreement. Tom reached for his side arm as he prepared himself.
"And why should we trust you?" Tom responded.
"Because either you die or we both live, so what do you think about that?" the voice responded. It sounded closer now. Kokobiel grabbed his rifle as he went to swing the corner, a figure was there, presumably the attacker. A kick square to the face, it forced him back as everything went black, knocked out with a single kick to the jaw. It was probably a couple of minutes before he stirred, letting out a groan before he looked around. His assailant coming over to him, Kokobiel scrambled for the gun.
"Wait hold on, he's not going to hurt us, he just didn't know he was attacking." Tom said.
"The fuck you mean he's not going to hurt us he kicked me square in the jaw?!" Kokobiel got to the gun, Tom pinned the gun to his chest.

"You aren't going to shoot him! He is my brother, Morgan!" Tom yelled out. Kokobiel stopped as he looked up to Tom, he racked his brain about, Tom had said his family died in a fire, what does he mean this is his brother, it couldn't be.
"He's your brother, I thought you said your family died in a fire?" Kokobiel asked.
"Our parents did. Me, Tom and our cousin made it out," Morgan said as he came up to Kokobiel tossing him an ice bag he had grabbed from a nearby fridge.
"Oh, I'm sorry for both of your losses," Kokobiel said as he took the ice bag and put it to the left side of his jaw.
"See, you can trust him." Tom said, Kokobiel rolled his eyes as he stood up before looking around the room.
"What is this place?" Kokobiel asked.
"From what I have found a fully blown layout of almost every resistance point of interest, meaning somewhere among our ranks is a spy." Morgan said as he looked at the map.

"Wait hold on, you're part of the resistance!?" Kokobiel said in shock.
"Yeah, and if you try to tell anyone I'll make sure to gut you before you can even take your next piss," Morgan said coldly as he took out a camera and began snapping pictures of the table. Kokobiel shut up quickly as he picked up his gun and put it back onto its sling, he lifted his radio as he called Olga and Berum.
"You two, we found our main objective, get over here." Kokobiel said into the radio. Soon the two appear at the doorway before entering, Olga the first to enter aims her gun up at Morgan.
"Who's he!?" Olga yelled out.
"Calm your tits, he's okay to have around." Kokobiel said, Olga stood there for a moment with her gun raised before lowering it, Berum followed her lead as she let the gun down.

"And who exactly is he?" Berum asked.
"That would be my brother, Morgan, we haven't seen each other in years." Tom said, Morgan took the last photo before looking up to the two.
"Yes that would be me, more freelancers I see," Morgan said before he put the camera away.
"You're the local rebel general!" Olga said as Morgan put away the camera, she lifted the gun ready to fire before time ran in the way.
"Hold on this doesn't have to result in more death!" Tom said as he held up his hands in protest.
"You're siding with the enemy Greinger?!" Olga shouted as she now aimed her gun at Tom, Berum now brought up his gun pointing towards Morgan.
"No, I'm siding with my brother, he wouldn't hurt us if we just went our separate ways!" Tom yelled back.
"Clayton, arrest Greinger for insubordination!" Olga yelled as she continued to aim at him.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that Olga, I know for a fact I can trust his word more than yours," Kokobiel said as he aimed his gun towards Olga. The sounds of the three yelling became ringing in Kokobiels head, it was all just noise, a terrible noise to his mind as memories flashed in his mind. The fights he had won, the ones where he had to kill the opponent, it was all coming back from the noise. Kokobiel raised his gun as he shot twice, taking out Olga and Berum, he didn't know them for long but it still hurt to do. Kokobiel saw Tom look back at him, his gun let off a little smoke as Kokobiel huffed before dropping the gun and sitting down. Morgan lowered his arm as he went over to Kokobiel. He had just done the one thing he had never wished to do, kill a friend, two at that.

"Get up, it was either them or us, and you made the right choice." Morgan said as he offered a hand to Kokobiel.
"But was it the right choice, I just killed a brother and sister, people I knew, people I was getting along with, I know I've killed before but never on a level like this!" Kokobiel said as his eyes filled with tears as he held his head as he put his head between his knees.
"Sometimes the right choice just means living longer, clearly they didn't see the right choice in the moment but they were given more than one option." Morgan said as he sat next to Kokobiel.
"But we all could have lived, no one had to die this time," Kokobiel said as he looked up to see Morgan who was looking back at him.
"Don't blame yourself for that, no one makes the choice, it becomes an action that had to be made, you did good," Morgan said as he patted Kokobiel's back before getting up. Kokobiel thought for a moment watching him walk off before getting up himself.

"We have to get moving now, like Morgan said, them or us," Tom said as he took Olga's and Berum's bag as he looked through them for supplies. Kokobiel was taken back by this, Tom wasn't even one to move on so quickly, this wasn't right to Kokobiel.
"You're not even going to give us time to mourn their deaths, I need time to accept the fact I just killed a squad mate!" Kokobiel yelled out as he looked up at Tom.
"You'll have to do it as we move, Freelancer recovery team is probably already heading this way since you blabbered over the radio about finding the main objective! So either get your ass up or go to a public hanging where you're the main attraction!" Tom yelled as he began to walk out the door. Kokobiel and Morgan took a while to join him as he began to head out of the base.
"He's grieving too, don't take it too harshly, I'm sure he'll get better eventually." Morgan said to Kokobiel, Kokobiel nodded as he followed Tom out of the base.
"Morgan, take us to the nearest hide out or whatever you rebels live in."

Red vs Blue © Rooster Teeth. Halo © 343 Industries. Concept by Myshu, assisted by The Department of Chupapology.

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