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Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Tales 14

Tales From Sirca Chapter 8: A Guilty Spark

[Redacted Frequency Decoded]

Locations: [Unknown] & [Unknown]

[Transmission Start]

?: Who the fuck is this?

Aries: Aries. Rogue leader. I just told you. I was told this was a direct line to Agent Washington.

?: News flash, I ain't Wash. I don't know how your psycho ass got this freq, but you better lose it! [There's the sound of an open hand slamming on a desk from ?'s end.]

Aries: Really? You so sure that's wise? [Chuckles darkly.]

?: How did you get this line?

Aries: From an associate of yours, she's accommodating. I'm thinking of keeping her. A Doctor Robin Miranda.

?: [Angry deep breath] You keep your fucking hands off her. If you move one hair on her head-

Aries: [Can be heard sitting up now, amusement in his voice] Struck a nerve, did I? You know what? I should have recognized that voice anywhere- Astrid. Or do you prefer Agent New Jersey?

Jersey: How do you- [Growls] What do you want psycho killer?

Aries: I want to talk to Agent Washington. Do that for me and maybe you might get what's left of the good doctor.

[There's a loud snarl from Jersey as she knocks over something heavy, then her footsteps retreat as she calls out for Washington. It isn't long before he can be heard entering with another voice in tow.]

Wash: [Getting closer to the receiver] Jersey, this better not be a joke. I told you that line with Miranda was for emergencies only. Miranda?

Aries: Guess again, rodent.

Wash: You. Fuck.

Aries: You remember me. Good, I was hoping the gun to your head made a good lasting impression. Would a been better if I got to pull the trigger.

York: [In the background] That can't be good.

Wash: What did you do to Miranda?

Aries: [Scoffs] All very accusatory, nothing. Yet. I have questions, you will answer them.

Wash: You think you're going to muscle some answers out of me?

Aries: I expect you to give me enough reason to not keep Miranda permanently.

Wash: You're making this difficult.

Aries: [Snarls] Then make it simple. How long has York been in contact with Icarus?

York: [Still in the background] How did he-

Wash: What makes you think we had any contact with- [To Jersey] Icarus is the one in white armor? What makes you so sure we had contact?

Aries: Are you insulting me? You're shit at negotiating, you know that? [Wash starts to talk but Aries talks over him] Agent Washington. I know everything about my Stray, everything. I can read him like a book. I monitor all communications in my base of operations, there isn't a word in or out of this base without my knowledge. How do you think I knew you two would be out there that day of our encounter? Or when we killed Jersey's associate? [Clearly irritated] So tell me. How. Long.

York: Lemme talk to him. [There's a bit of movement and now his voice is clearer] Hey buddy, remember me? I handed you back your sword a while back, we talked a little.

Aries: I remember telling you not to call me "Buddy".

York: I'll tell ya flat out. We've been in contact with Icarus ever since Miranda introduced him to me through her line. Back when he first got picked up by HADES.

Wash: Which was clearly a mistake to put Jersey in charge of as it seems.

Aries: What did you tell him?

York: The same as you.

Aries: I don't believe you.

York: [Chuckles] I got no reason bullshit you.

[There's a heavy silence for a few moments.]

Aries: I was informed we have similar goals. Is this true?

York: So, you did consider it! Or did someone change your mind?

Aries: I have reconsidered nothing- I don't make mistakes. However... [Hesitantly] Recent events, have complicated things. I don't need your assistance, I'm...

York: [Almost teasingly] Come on, I know you're not too headstrong to say it-

Wash and Jersey: York!

Aries: I am [He seems to sigh angrily], I am formally requesting an alliance- Truce, ceasefire, assistance- whatever you want to call it. I feel my forces can aid your efforts-

York: Wasn't too painful, right? Sounds like a plan- So what's the catch?

Aries: I want all the intel you have; I will be involved in the planning of operations- If I even sense that barrels and blades are shifting my way, we're done.

Wash: No way!

York: I think it's a fair deal.

Jersey: I think the muscle is clouding your brain, you want that-

York: [Warningly] Hey. Be nice. He's being civil. I know that's hard for you J.

[There's a scuffle and the sound of a punch being thrown]

York: Touchy-

Wash: Let's assume we accept that, what are the odds he and his boys don't come down on us and wipe us out? Or sell us out?

Jersey: Yeah, I'm not too keen on having a dude who tried to kill both of us just walking around our base.

York: Because he's got something to lose. He had one of ours and decided to contact us instead of whatever else he could have done. He's just a little rough around the edges.

Aries: Like I told you, Freelancer. I have no monetary gains to be had, I wish to torch it all.

York: You just don't want to lose what you don't have to.

[Aries scowls.]

Wash: This is a bad choice. This can only go wrong and blow up in our faces.

Aries: I'm not too happy about the arrangement either, rodent.

York: See? You two are thinkin' alike already.

Wash: Where are you situated; we need to collect Miranda and find out what she learned-

Aries: [Huffs] I think I like talking to Agent York better- Do you really think I would tell you where my HQ is at the beginning of this... [he sounds disgusted] Alliance?

Wash: Fair, fair. How about this, you pick some coordinates, and we meet you there? No guns, no standoff- just to hand over Miranda and talk.

Aries: Just you three?

Wash: Will it be just you and Icarus?

Aries: If Miranda is as good as she claims, who I have with me will be of no question. Now you sound agreeable. I'll send the "X" when I'm good and ready. See you soon, Freelancers. [Aries ends his transmission.]

Wash: This is a bad idea, there's no way we can just take his word for it- right?

York: You worry too much, if he's exactly like what I think then we'll be fine.

Jersey: I swear if you get me shot, I'm haunting your big ass.



"Aries, you can take a rest. I can monitor him for the night, I can call for the lil guy Samson to come to get you if he wakes."

I didn't look at her, for once I was glad that we had decided to make this hospital our base. The hospital beds were old, and the rooms were draughty, but it held well for Icarus, I watched his face and frowned as he seemed distressed but breathed quietly. He was raised up to a barely sitting position, reclined enough to not aggravate his healing wound. His armor and battle skin was removed, only wearing the training shorts I had given him. His normally alabaster coat was spotted with blotches of faded red around his chest. Miranda pushed her blonde mane back before smudging semi-dried blood on her armor.

I dragged over an old chair to the bedside and sat, letting my head rest on his hand. "No. This is my doing. I'll stay."

She began to leave the room, "Yell for me if something changes, okay?"

Just like that, I was alone with my thoughts.

"You had to go and get shot, didn't you? You couldn't just let me handle it." I pulled a knife pinned under my chest holster, turned it over in my hand, and laid it gently across his lap. "I got your knife back. I... I didn't see the kill, but from what I saw when I came to- It must have been a hell of a throw. Punctured the brain- went right through the skull. He was killed instantly more than likely, seems like I'm not the only one good with knives."

I glanced up but his eyes were still closed, the stinging feeling was back and stronger than before. It felt hard to breathe-

Am I dying?

"I went through the trouble of finding your doctor friend, Miranda. I didn't even threaten her. I even went out and fetched your stuff from your old place. Samson's working on restoring that rifle, Snowpiercer. I've even made arrangements to talk with your Freelancer buddies you didn't tell me about. You..."

I closed my eyes.

"I fucked the whole plan up. We lost a few of our own, you didn't even get all of your revenge. Poor planning and lack of fuckin' awareness. You better- You better not fucking die after all this. I wouldn't have done this for anyone else, I-"

I sat up a little bit and felt something wet running down my face, now I was convinced there was something wrong with me. I don't ever remember that happening before.

"A... Aries," I bolted upright standing up, looking up at the albino's face, "Gotcha'."

"I... What?"

His distressed grimace was now an amused grin. I wanted to be angry, to ball my fists up and punch him in the face. But all I did was just stare, mouth wide open at him. The anger was nothing compared to the feeling that replaced it, I didn't have a word for it. I felt almost lightheaded.

"You really did all that? For me?"

I nodded quietly.

"Seems like you did fine without me-"

I bent down and gave him a tight hug, "You're shit at dying, you know that?"

He groaned with discomfort but didn't try to pry me off. "I try my worst."

Red vs Blue © Rooster Teeth. Halo © 343 Industries. Concept by Myshu, assisted by The Department of Chupapology.

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