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Tales From Sirca Chapter 4: Project [REDACTED]

Log Audio Entries on Subject: Demon Dog

Entered by: Dr. [Data Redacted]

Overseen by: Research Lab [Data Redacted]

Subtitles Automatically Generated-

<Begin Log Entries>

Date: [Data Redacted]

Location: [Data Redacted]

>Entry #1

Dr. [Redacted]: The lab has received its new subject for the project, making 24 total candidates. The subject is an eight-year-old by the name of Hope Song. Brown-eyed light grey Vulpes. Short black mane. Retrieval was without a hitch, and he came without a struggle, as Sargent K reported. Further information states the subject has an athletic history which should serve well.

On first medical diagnosis, the subject is jittery and tends to talk to or whisper to themselves. As of current, we do not know if this is merely a coping mechanism to deal with the new environment or a sign of mental sickness, it is a concern as such problems aren't accounted for in the process but should have no adverse effect on the intended result. Further action is being held until approval to begin.

>Entry #2

Dr. [Redacted]: Testing has begun, however, subject Hope is proving much more resistant than initially thought. Upon being awakened for feeding in containment, the subject refused to eat- For the reason that it claimed something it named "Quai" told it not to. [Sighs] Subsequently, soldiers were called in to hold down the subject and administer sustenance by force.

This has been a recurring issue.

Initially, one of the scientists attempted to handle it but was severely lacerated and bitten at least 20 times, he is in critical condition but stable. It was vicious and without warning like it was possessed. This proved interesting to [Redacted], it has something that they were looking for. I have yet to be informed as to what that is.

>Entry #3

Dr. [Redacted]: When it came to testing, the same subject showed serious resilience and resistance. Tranquilizers were considered but ultimately vetoed as we were told that it would affect the results. When monitoring brain activity during the programing all subjects produced expected results, with the exception of subject Hope. Its brain activity was far higher than all other subjects as if it were actively fighting the effects of the programming. The subject is different.

When we moved into serum injections, the results were… Abnormal. In a normal instance, the subjects- when changed- Lose any sense of independence or identity. Commonly entering a state of feral instinct while obeying commands. The subject in question reacts intelligently to stimuli and is able to enunciate coherent syllables. Still, when all subjects were brought down from their ‘state', subject Hope sustained curious side effects that no others did.

Multiple reported the subject speaking to themselves increased, becoming less manic and surer. I brought this quirk up to [Redacted], but I was informed that it was of no concern. In the same vein of behavioral quirks, the subject's behavior and demeanor drastically changed with the introduction of the serum. The anxious, fearful behavior became an unfeeling stare more fitting of a serial killer and seemingly void of emotion. Mentally, this particular subject's problem-solving capacity has increased tenfold- much higher than projected performance. The most notable change, however, is the eyes. Its sclera has become a sickly yellow hue, the irises similar in color still maintaining the original brown tint. Oddly enough, the fur around the tail seemed to take on a blueish hue. This, specifically, was not an intended or predicted nor undesirable effect, but the effects don't appear to cause harm or discomfort to the subject but are being closely monitored anyway.

The more subject Hope exceeds expectations, the more of a concern this outlier becomes.

>Entry #4

Dr. [Redacted]: Subject Hope has killed one of my colleagues. Although it is the size of a child, it took three armed soldiers to tear the subject off. They had somehow concealed an eating utensil- A knife judging from the laceration- somewhere that our cameras have yet to figure out. By the time the soldiers arrived the subject was covered in blood.

There is now a standing order to keep the subject under constant watch on a rotating guard.

>Interview 1

[The Doctor shuffles some papers and in the background, a guard can be heard clearing his throat.]

Dr. [Redacted]: Hello Hope, I am Doctor [Redacted]. Do you remember me?

Subject H: [Jingles the chains binding him to the table lightly] Yes.

Dr. [Redacted]: How are you feeling?

Subject H: Sore. Hungry.

Dr. [Redacted]: Well, why not eat then? I make sure that food gets to you at all mealtimes-

Subject H: I want meat. [Pauses] Not whatever they shovel in my mouth.

Dr. [Redacted]: I'll see what I can do.

[There was a brief moment of silence before the sound of papers being placed down.]

Dr. [Redacted]: Why did you do it?

Subject H: [There was an amused hum] Do what, Doctor?

Dr. [Redacted]: [He takes a long breath] Why did you kill him and where did you get the knife?

Subject H: In the mess hall. They never asked for the utensils back, so I've been taking them for a while now, I have a collection.

Dr. [Redacted]: You still have not told me why you killed him.

Subject H: Because nobody told me not to.

>Entry #5 (Post Interview)

Dr. [Redacted]: The assortment of blades and utensils were all promptly removed from the subject's enclosure and searched thoroughly before it was allowed to return to it. A regular sweep is carried out to ensure no objects that don't belong make it in there.

That interview still gives me chills, I was looking in the face of a child and hearing him speak the words of a deranged killer. [Pauses before letting out a shaken breath] There was no remorse in its eyes or voice, it was just doing what we taught it to do.


>Entry #6

At this point, the weaker candidates were weeded out and disposed of. Only 18 remain. Much to the protest of the lab, [Redacted] wishes to see just how effective the program and adapted serum is. The parents of the subject made more noise about their missing child than anticipated. They have been ruled as the perfect practical test. We've worked nonstop to introduce false memories that the subconscious will accept and act upon with the assistance of medications to speed up the process. If this works, we'll have the ability to create programmable soldiers and/or assassins. The rate of success will improve as research develops, and the data provided offers solutions. The prospect of such a feat is groundbreaking alone.

>Entry #7

Dr. [Redacted]: The field test was brutally successful, however, subject Hope broke the programming and killed a nearby family's child. Although it was not optimal, it was proof enough to [Redacted] that the project is successful. As someone present in the lab, Hope never looked away from the hands that were cuffed in front of them. Someone might have chalked it up to remorse, but the vacant look in the eyes disputed that. It didn't stop the shiver running down my spine when he looked my way.

I've put in a personal request for more security.

>Entry #8

Dr. [Redacted]: The remaining subjects are entering the late stages of adolescence, half of which seem to be falling into the same fate as those before. [Redacted]'s training regimen for them has been brutal, had they been regular children they might not have survived. There is a general unease whenever the topic of subject Hope, some referred to it by a line of the programming that is forbidden to say aloud but has decided to call it the "Demon Dog".

The name is distasteful. I still haven't forgotten what happened to [DATA EXPUNGED].

[Redacted] believes the subjects are able to be trusted and ready for combat- Even though there are personal doubts from those in the lab, the subjects follow orders without question and give no indication that insubordination is a factor. He has slowly started integrating them into Project [Redacted] at the main facility.

The talking-to-itself issue with subject Hope is still problematic and is indeterminable as a side effect of the serum or a pre-existing condition, it will be monitored and determined if it could become a liability. In some time, the groups that remain will be crated, darted, and shipped to the main facility for designation and deployment.

>Entry #9

Dr. [Redacted]: The subjects are receiving one last physical examination before being tranquilized for transportation as an extra measure of caution, there can never be too many precautions. Specifically for Hope. The first group has already been shipped out with no problems.

The second group should be just about ready, but I haven't heard back from the second group's security detail. I don't believe it's anything, but I've already sent for security to go check it out.

>Entry #10

Dr. [Redacted]: Containment has been broken. I've taken up shelter in my office-

[Distant bursts of gunfire and screaming that seem to get closer and closer.]

Dr. [Redacted]: This shouldn't be possible. I haven't heard word from anyone, and all the lines are dead.

[There is a loud blast and the sound of the door being broken off the hinges, the doctor starts to scream but is cut off and there is an audible choking sound.]

Unknown?: Hide and seek is a child's game, Doctor. Let's run an experiment, eh?

[There's a choked scream and the log ends abruptly.]

>Audio Terminated

I felt my blood turn to ice.

What the fuck did I just come across?

I instantly began downloading the files to my wrist device, whatever kind of shit HADES or whoever the fuck was up to in this place I needed to know. Not only were there the logs but also notes on experiment progress, subject names- The whole nine yards. I figured I could do some heavy reading and at least learn the extent of foul shit that might have happened here. I shook my head at the thought of these people willingly experimenting on children, it made me sick.

Whatever they did to this Hope kid couldn't be good. I hope he survived.

I looked over toward the corner of the room and noticed something I hadn't before, parts of a skeleton with a dirty and tattered lab coat sat on top.

It must have happened in this room.

If that was the case it would certainly explain the overturned desk, scattered papers, and bloodstains.

"Stray," I whipped my head around to the doorway where Aries stood backlit and bathed in red by the flare clutched in his left hand. Behind him, there were massive claw marks raking into the metal wall. "Find anything useful?"

"No," It was interesting, but not particularly useful, "This old piece of shit is cooked. We can check if they have an armory, the weapons should still be useful."

I disconnected from the port. He initially looked miffed but shrugged it off. I stepped away from the terminal and I got up and walked into the hall joining him, he let me lead, patting my helmet as we started walking.

"Look at you use your head for something that isn't a headbutt. Let's go."

Red vs Blue © Rooster Teeth. Halo © 343 Industries. Concept by Myshu, assisted by The Department of Chupapology.

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