How Sammy Met Andee (Unabridged)

Verse Seven (Samael and York) | Verse Eleven (Samael and Andee) | Verse Fourteen (Samael and Andee) | Verse Seventeen (Samael and Mutt) | Verse Eighteen (Samael and Andee) | Verse Twenty-One (Samael and Andee)

(Back to Verse 17)

Mutt was, unsurprisingly, on the mark about their plans later that period. The four were each several bottles of beer deep as they crowded around Andee to stare with expressions mixed between mortified, fascinated and proud.

"I still cain't believe you used m'gift fer this," Samael murmured, sniffling once and doing his best not to cry -- he wasn't the one in the chair, after all. "I'm so touched, hon..."

"No gay shit!" Andee protested, quickly rubbing at his eyes and then hissing as he winced when Mutt swiftly cleaned the third and final piercing with a damp cloth. "Fuckin' ow!"

"It...they...they go through?" Paneko sputtered, his muzzle agape as Samael automatically reached over to tip up his bottle of beer so it didn't spill.

"Yes, of course!" Mutt exclaimed, grinning playfully and gesturing toward Andee's partial arousal, his pink and brown flesh now marked with three sets of crimson studs along the bottom. "What, you think mine just buttons? Stud attach to bar! Bar go all the way through!"

"Holy shit," Paneko whispered while shaking his head slowly.

"Yeah, how'd'ya think I feel?" Andee yowled, his cheeks still damp from the tears he'd been unable to repress, no matter how drunk or tough he was. "I better not fuckin' bleed out through my fuckin' dick, Mutt!!"

"Oh, quit being baby, there is barely drop," Mutt reasoned before smirking as he lightly thumped Andee's malehood with his finger to make his friend yelp. "Mutt does very good work." He then turned toward Samael with a toothy expression while producing a glinting needle with the other hand. "Is Fiffy turn now!"

Paneko craned his head around to gawk at Samael while the chupa tried not to stare with too much horror. "Are...are you doing the some thing?" he asked incredulously.

"Nah!" Andee supplied as he threw a wing drunkenly upward. "I...I had 'em make Fiffy summin'...summin' real special! Like his brain!"

Mutt chortled and reached to his supply cart to showcase a pair of dark crimson bands. They'd been hammered out from the same red mineral as Andee's freshly-installed studs, utilizing nearly every bit of the offering Samael had brought to Andee after their fracas in the plaza.

The two curved strips of metal were about eight centimeters long and two centimeters or so in width, both sporting a bar that stretched across the inside of the arc. The sides had all been fastidiously smoothed, leaving the bands with no sharp edges that might snag on anything sensitive. It was safe to say Samael had never quite seen any piercing like them before...and the fact Andee had gotten them crafted entirely of his own accord was more touching than how most genital piercings -- or the partners gifting them -- probably deserved to be regarded.

But they weren't just any genital piercings, and Andee wasn't just any partner.

Mutt guided Samael to a hammock he'd strung up next to Andee, since his usual chair was much too small for even the relatively short chupa. "In you go! Is time for shot!"

"Which kind?" Samael mumbled warily, stealing another vaguely nervous glance at his companion's partial arousal while clambering into the netting with one arm. He downed the last of his bottle, which Mutt took from him and replaced with a tumbler filled with something that might have been as potent as the redneck's own moonshine.

"First one, and then other!" Mutt proclaimed with a wink. He thrust the piercings into Pan's empty hand without waiting for approval, dragging the pale bat closer and then lifting a syringe. "If you going to hold hands, is good time now."

Samael didn't need another invitation. "Oh lord," he mumbled, earning a grumble from Andee as he downed the sharp liquor in a single swallow. "Le's gooooo!" he groaned, slamming the glass onto the cart as Mutt grinned and approached with the dripping needle; Andee was too stupefied to protest as the chupa reached out blindly and grasped his partner's wrist tightly. "Make sure you don't break it 'fore Pan gets a chance t'have a go onnit!" he drawled. The embarrassed flush from the white-furred bat was worth the creeping dread.

"Shit, Andee praise make me want go on it -- Mutt will not break for sake of all bat-kind!" Mutt declared before he leaned in with the syringe. "Is no turn back now!"

Paneko winced as much as Samael at the sharp prick into the chupa's sheath before a tight squeeze around Andee's arm made him yelp as well. "Motherfucker!"

"Is easy part!" Mutt cajoled, placing the empty syringe on the cart and replacing it with a thin metal spike. "Don't be such baby -- Mutt and Pan at last get to see great blue snowplow!"

"I don't have to look," Paneko mumbled, though Samael noticed his eyes couldn't help but be drawn to the focus of Mutt's work. "...Oh my god, it is blue..." he uttered as the injection caused Samael's azure arousal to steadily push upward of its own accord.

"Ay! You fuckers quit gawkin' at my Fiffy's bidness!" Andee cried out through his inebriation, shaking Samael's arm through the chupa's vice-like grip. "I ain't set no price tags yet!"

"We get friends and family discount," Mutt reasoned before he tapped the pointed edge of the piercing tool against Samael's erection. "Is very nice, though, Andee was not egg-serrate."

" Andee called out from his chair as Samael gave a wheezing giggle.

"Lawd, a whole crew'a cute bats lookin' at m'Sampi pride an' I cain't even feel it!" he whined.

Mutt cleared his throat and then gripped carefully into Samael's arousal with his other hand. "Is wishful think -- you still feel plenty, Fiffy."

"Oh go-oo-ooohfuck!" Samael squealed, his fingers clamping painfully into Andee's arm and drawing out a simultaneous screech from the bat when the narrow instrument pierced neatly through his malehood.

, ya giant fuckin' baby!" Andee wailed while Paneko cowered, trapped as he was between hammock, chair and Mutt's hunched form. "Hurry up 'fore he rips off my whole fuckin' arm!"

"Patience," Mutt replied calmly, extracting the blood-coated tool and resting it on Samael's bare thigh, then reaching back blindly to pluck one of the piercings from Paneko's trembling palm. "Fiffy does not want extra hole."

ain't sure 'bout the holes he's s'posed to get!" Samael whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut as his fingers trembled around Andee's arm. Mutt hadn't been lying -- he could absolutely feel the nauseating sensation of Mutt carefully threading the first band-shaped piercing into place, the injection having numbed only the sharpest of the pain. "Oh lawd, lawd, not even mah tail piercin' was this bad!!" he cried out as he pulled his cast tightly to his chest to try and steady himself.

"Stop move," Mutt warned, gripping more firmly into Samael's trembling arousal while giving the chupa a stern look that he barely caught through squinted eyes. "Is even worse than crooked tattoo if you now move."

"Quit bein' a bitch, Fiffy!" Andee demanded before lowering his voice and using his other hand to reach over and grab Samael's arm. "C'mon, ya giant pussy, ya been through worse'n this..."

The pain immediately subsided beneath the tide of warm emotions and Samael settled down into the hammock with a long, jagged exhale. "Ho-o-o-o-oooo...y-yeah, yer right...yer right," he mumbled, giving Mutt and Paneko a sheepish look once he opened his eyes again. He stole a quick glance at his member, wincing at the trickle of blood, then turning his eyes back to the two bats. "R-ready fer number two..."

"Number two coming up," Mutt answered, shifting his hand down to grasp Samael's knot securely. Even now, Samael couldn't help the heated pant, his eyes locking with Mutt's...or at least attempting to. But not even the redneck's most intoxicating gaze was a match for the bat's focus, every ounce of his concentration trained on smoothly inserting the sharpened bore a second time through the bottom of Samael's malehood.

The wave of lust crashed against the rocky discomfort and Samael clenched his teeth while throwing his head back. "Ho-fuck!" he gasped again, squeezing fiercely into his partner's arm as his other limb threatened to shatter the cast from his wild flexing.

"Almost, almost, almost," Mutt reassured as he plucked the second piercing from Paneko's palm and quickly worked it into place. "Metalworker did very good job -- did you take model of Fiffy dick?"

"N-nah, I just see it all the fuckin' time!" Andee shot back through clenched teeth, though Samael could hear the notes of pride. "I did...did a good fuckin' job makin' sure they was right, didn't I??"

Samael felt another swell of appreciation for the strangely intimate gesture as he blinked away his tears and gazed over at Andee. Mutt lifted his eyes long enough to smile at the chupa's expression before teasing: "Very good job. This blue dick has Andee under spell, Mutt thinks."

"Aw, fuck off, Mutt gonna think it's the fuckin' greatest thing he's had up his ass after once he has his turn!" Andee retorted. He craned his head to the side and released Samael's arm so he could slap at Paneko's shoulder. "Move over, ya white bastard, lemme see!"

"You guys are so fuckin' weird," Paneko mumbled. No one missed the way his eyes were still locked on the freshly-decorated malehood, though, as he shuffled under Samael's outstretched arm and stood at the foot of the hammock.

Mutt chuckled and wiped down the bore before dabbing the excess blood from Samael's flesh and stepping aside as well so Andee could have a clear view. "Is not weird. Is kind of cute." He paused and then grinned while ruffling both Andee and Samael's heads. "Is kind of gay, too."

Samael was too busy gazing at Andee to reply with any kind of joke, his eyes nervously waiting for his partner's response as if Samael had been given any say whatsoever about this entire process.

Andee's eyes moved slowly over the twitching azure arousal as he grumbled, taking in the two smooth piercings that were now embedded along the bottom of Samael's malehood He examined them with the same exacting judgment he might had given a shipment of contraband he was about to trade. A few daunting seconds of silence passed before he let his tongue snake along the end of his muzzle with a dazed grin. "Heh...yeah. , those look...those look fuckin' good on you, ...fuckin' real good...'bout as good as them stupid red rocks do on me."

Samael's heart thudded and he smiled happily. "Glad you found a good use for them Sampi-bits...'s like I gotta li'l piece'a home in you, now."

Andee's eyes met his for a moment, every other sensation fading to leave only the hum of something terribly powerful. "That's 'cause you fuckin' know where ya fuckin' home is, Sammy. You ain't never gonna forget, now, neither..."

Not even Tracer's most tender whisper held a candle to the way Andee's words drove into the chupa's soul. A tremor ran through his body and he could feel his eyes growing damp again as Andee snorted and hurriedly fumbled for a bottle of beer that wasn't yet empty. "Enough'a this gay shit, though! Now we need'a get fuckin' hammered since we can't nothin' with these goddamn beautiful dicks for a fuckin' day or two!"

Paneko giggled despite himself, shaking his head and reaching out to grasp into Samael's shin to stabilize himself at the end of the hammock. "Oh god,, no, I got th' big delivery in a few goddamn hours, ya dumb weird dick-stabbin' jerks..." He gave a woozy smile to his friends before perking one ear up. "Oh, but before we forget..." He grinned at Samael. "You guys wanted Mutt to do that painting..."

Andee blinked and then scowled over at Samael, who forgot about his twice-punctured malehood long enough to clear his throat awkwardly. "Oh, uh...y-yeah..."

Mutt snickered and stepped forward between the chair and hammock so he could prop an elbow into Samael's broad chest while peering over toward Andee. "Your wants nice portrait of you for his fuck-room. And Mutt has perfect idea. And you owe Mutt for two set of dick-metal. So you say yes."

Andee started to protest before puffing his cheeks out and then crossing his arms stubbornly. "Fuckin'...fine. But!" He squinted at Samael again. "You owe me fuckin' three crates of moonshine for a deal I got comin' up! No fuckin' excuses since ya fuckin' momma got ya ass on light duty!"

Samael laughed and lifted a hand in acquiescence. "You got it, hon! It'd be my' I can't wait fer this one, s'gonna be the best thing I ever did hang on my walls..."

"Good! Then is settled," Mutt announced while clapping his hands together before shifting the smile to a coy grin between the duo. "But now we discuss trade for painting. And Mutt know just what Mutt want." He licked his lips with a shameless wink at Samael, drawing a loud huff from Andee while Paneko wheezed and took a step backward.

"You guys are the worst -- I'mma go sleep this shit off so I don't fly into a goddamn tree next period," Paneko mumbled even as he gave a helpless smile to his friends. "See you guys soon."

"Fly safe, Pan, we see you soon," Mutt offered without taking his eyes off Samael. Good lord, he was about as captivating as York...

"Yeah, yeah, you's gettin' ya dick wet next time, though!" Andee threatened while Paneko giggled and stumbled out of the shop before Andee rumbled and sat up a bit in the chair to stare rapturously at the other two. "Don't fuckin' tear up my puppy, Mutt..."

only making partial payment today," Mutt reasoned as his orange eyes gleamed hungrily. "His arm still not good." He broke into a toothy grin while reaching out to slide his tool cart closer so he could hop onto it. "But he has other arm."

Samael's eyes lit up and he stole a quick look at Andee, but his partner looked nearly as eager as Mutt, his own expression doused with anticipation. "He ain't stuttered, ...I don't want no fuckin' debts on my name," he purred while clutching the bottle of beer with one hand as the other danced lightly along his own half-emerged member despite the visible twitches of discomfort.

"Only Mutt getting off," Mutt warned as he jabbed a finger lightly into Andee's thigh. "You enjoy show but no joining, even on yourself!"

"Yeah, yeah, shaddup 'n gimme a fuckin' show, then," Andee breathed while leaning forward on the edge of the chair.

Mutt smirked confidently before turning back to Samael. "You hear Andee," he rumbled with a casual nod toward his lap.

Samael felt the earlier desire rushing back with a vengeance as the raw need overtook the thrumming ache from his own loins. "I sure did," he murmured before drawing his eyes down to see Mutt's erection rising from the course amber fur that -- sometimes -- provided the bats a bit of modesty. But certainly not today. "Oh hell yeah," he panted as his eyes widened giddily.

Mutt chuckled low in his throat but otherwise remained silent as Samael drank in his friend. Mutt's flesh was dark purple and, like Andee's, was dappled, except the alluring splotches were a soft pink tone. A silver ring was pierced through the thick tip, decorated with a smooth aquamarine stone, and a gleaming golden stud marked halfway down -- no, no, studs of gold stood proudly along the bottom of the bat's malehood, the second becoming visible as the impressive length continued to push free of the partially-obscured sheath beneath.

Samael's breaths were already quickening as he stretched his good hand out and wrapped his fingers around the base of the bat's malehood. Mutt let out a pleased sound and kept his eyes focused on Samael while spreading his legs a bit further. The chupa grinned and swallowed another piece of his fading inebriation before glancing toward the front of the tattoo-and-piercing parlor. "Should we, uh...lock yer doors or anythin'?"

"Why?" Samael brought his gaze back to see Mutt leaning forward with a grin, the myriad silver and gold piercings that dotted his features glinting in the warm lamps of his shop. "They'd be getting a free show too," he replied smoothly in the bats' language, tossing a glance over his shoulder at Andee before they both fixed him with playful smirks. "And you wouldn't stop either way, would you?

The shiver that ran through Samael wasn't from the new piercings. "Y'already know the answer to that," he drawled, choosing to savor the flush that spread across his cheeks. There was still no shame...and this time, he wasn't just a pretty object being used as a means to an end. These were his friends, and he would never hesitate to give everything he had to any one of them.

"Yes we do," Mutt concluded in common, bucking his hips once to send a shudder along Samael's arm. He smiled and Samael let himself be gleefully drawn into the enticing gaze, turning somewhat in the hammock to get a better angle as he closed his fingers around the girthy malehood and stroked gently upward.

Mutt groaned blissfully and rolled his head between his shoulders while gripping into the back of the cart with both hands to send tools clattering down to the floor. Andee grinned raptly behind him, perched on the very end of his chair as he rubbed a thumb eagerly along the beer bottle. "Goddamn, Mutt, he barely fuckin' started..."

"Chupa hand always feel better than bat," Mutt supplied around his throaty growl of delight as Samael's fingers passed tenderly over both pairs of gold studs. "Is one of many reasons jealous of scrawny, ugly Andee..."

Samael tore himself away from his passive delight to peer at Andee, but he hardly seemed to take any offense from his friend's insults as he only shrugged and licked his lips in captivation. "Maybe they fuckin' should be..."

Whether or not it was meant as praise, Samael held it close to his heart as he turned his eyes back to Mutt and offered a playful wink. He stopped his movement near the top of Mutt's arousal, his tongue naturally slipping out with his curiosity as he let his thumb trace along the silver ring situated at the end of the bat's rounded tip. The gentle motion elicited a pleased murmur from Mutt and Samael smiled up at him before leaning forward to study the smooth stone set into the metal hoop.

It was spherical, polished to the same mirror sheen as the silver and gold piercings themselves. The rich azure gemstone provided the perfect splash of color and Samael's thumb passed over it once more in appreciation. He didn't see this kind of piercing often, but , did Mutt make it look good.

"It's a nice blue, ain't it?" Andee noted from his mesmerized perch before Mutt gave a low chuckle from above Samael to draw the chupa's gaze up to him again.

"Nice just like eyes," Mutt concluded with a wink that dominated Samael's and coaxed a needy whimper from the chupa. "Andee has no idea how lucky he is."

"Quit makin' the pup so hard or them damn things ain't never gonna heal," Andee retorted, regardless of the fact his own painfully swollen erection had returned to its full stiffness.

The back and forth was only serving to cause Samael's desire to skyrocket...which made him suddenly regret the fact he was relegated to single handjobs at the moment. He huffed softly to himself but poured all his eagerness into what he could do, focusing once more on Mutt's arousal. The attention was appreciated, since he was rewarded with a thin trickle of warm fluid as soon as he massaged his fingers steadily downward. Mutt's jaws parted to release a pleasured groan and Samael gave his own hot pant, shifting to roll completely on his side and ignoring the brief jolt of agony when his sensitive malehood slapped against the netting of the hammock.

The journey to the base of Mutt's shaft was met with the soft thump of heavy orbs against Samael's fist thanks to the way Mutt couldn't avoid giving a firm thrust upward. "Goddamn, , ya got Mutt ," Andee uttered, taking a long swig of the bottle and then tossing the empty container aside as his eyes glowed intently. "Don't stop now, ya beautiful redneck whore..."

"Do not insult Sammy, he is very tal--" Mutt interrupted his own admonition with a surprised moan when Samael suddenly reversed his grip and began a steady, rhythmic stroking.

Samael's own eyes shone with delight as he panted harder and stared up at Mutt, his fist pumping industriously along the bat's lengthy malehood. "He ain't wrong, hon," he noted silkily, the words slipping from his tongue as smoothly as his fingers across Mutt's flesh. "I'm a real talented whore..."

Spirits be fucked," Mutt groaned in his native tongue, claws grasping into the back of the cart as one of his feet clamped into the side of Samael's hammock.

It might have just been a handjob, but Samael wasn't about to not be proud, not be delighted to give a companion so much pleasure. He bit his lip and took in the scrunched expression of bliss stretched across Mutt's handsome face, working his hand faster and faster...and then slowing it to a crawl as he felt the bat's shaft stiffening beneath his grip.

The submissive expression became a teasing grin as Mutt cursed and bucked his hips hard into Samael's fist. A small spurt of clear liquid danced out across Samael's wrist but he kept his grip secure and his eyes playful as Mutt squinted down at him around the heavy breathing. Samael could feel Andee's elated stare from behind Mutt, taking in the whole scene with nothing short of pure exhilaration. "Fuck yeah, , that's my good pup," Andee murmured, gripping into the edge of his chair to likely avoid instead grasping himself. "Show Mutt I ain't a fuckin' liar..."

Mutt began a retort, only to throw his head back again when Samael traced a blunt claw across the rim of his tip, catching it inside the silver hoop and then pulling it oh-so-gently. His wordless shout was too ecstatic for even Samael to deny and the chupa smiled to himself as he wrapped his hand once more around his friend and proceeded with a firm but steady motion that matched perfectly with the harried, unstoppable thrusts of Mutt's hips.

Samael cooed with anticipation as Mutt's talons threatened to tear through the hammock's fibers, several more of his tools tumbling down from the cart as he shoved his waist wildly into Samael's grip. It took no more than three or four passes before a blissful yell filled the shop as a massive burst of viscous fluid blasted in a wide arc across Samael's chest. He heard Andee's sympathetic groan of pleasure and closed his eyes happily while continuing the passionate stroking, Mutt's joyous moans mixing with the squeaking and stretching of the hammock swinging from the intensity of their joined momentum.

Several more thick streams of Mutt's orgasm splattered over Samael and across the tool cart, leaving messy lines along the floor between them. It was easily thirty seconds before the bat's malehood came to a dribbling halt, his orgasm tapering off in time with the ragged moan he gave before he flopped back atop the cart. "Fucking...hell, Fiffy...tell me again...why you're with Andee?" Mutt managed between the heaving of his chest.

Andee smirked even as he puffed his chest out arrogantly. "'Cause knows a good fuckin' thing when he finds it," he boasted, hopping down from the chair and cursing once as his own still-stiff arousal bounced. "Ah fuck...fuck me, I wanna fuckin' this puppy hard now, but ya just couldn't wait to get these fuckin' piercings in, Mutt!" Andee complained, leering at Samael for a few seconds and then chuckling while reaching out to run a finger along Mutt's trembling arousal so he could gather a string of the still-warm release. His friend twitched and let out a soft growl as Andee licked his finger clean with a grin. "Nice job, Sammy..."

"Is your fault we do piercings today," Mutt grumbled, his head still flopped back against the cart before he raised a wing to hold it up shakily. "Come, we retire to back room. No fuck, only nap. Mutt has, no -- to help dick-hurt." He paused to peer up at Samael, who had carefully extricated himself from the hammock, and took a moment to admire his latest handiwork splashed across the chupa's muscular body. Samael's dumb grin hardly looked embarrassed. Mutt grinned back after a few seconds. "Mutt might need some himself..."

(Back to Verse 17)


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