In case the original fic wasn't gay enough for you. | Will and Samael Part I | Will and Samael Part 2 | Donut and Hiko Make Dessert | | |
Mahihko had, quite thoughtfully, already stripped himself of his clothing, so his arousal ground into Donut's stomach the moment his shirt was removed. The sensation was enough to make the chupadore pull back from the kiss with an excited gasp, unable to stop from staring down in curiosity. Mahihko blinked in surprise but reacted smoothly, tipping his slender form to one side with a grin to show off his lupine cock. The flesh of the alien's member was pale, almost white...but a pattern of black wreathed it from the thick knot all the way to the tip. It looked almost like fire...and it took Donut a moment to realize that it was not natural. " tattoo! And holy crap! It looks just like ours!!" br>![]() The wolf laughed despite himself, licking his muzzle eagerly but doing his best to remain calm as he grabbed one of Donut's hands and guided it to his trembling erection. "Well I'm gonna hafta verify that in a hot minute," Mahihko rumbled. "Color me impressed if ya match me on the metal too, though..." Donut was torn between excited and confused as his fingers stretched out for Mahihko's dick. The metal? However, his confusion rapidly dissipated when his hand gently closed around the alien's stiff flesh to feel the multitude of piercings that ran along the bottom of the shaft. "Ooh...gosh," Donut murmured, his eyes bulging even as his muzzle broke into an excited grin. "Wow! Can...can I see?" "Fuck, you make a girl impatient," Mahihko commented, but his expression was cheerful as he chuckled softly and then moved his legs smoothly to straddle Donut's waist. He was still held gently in his partner's grip and he mentally noted the fact that Donut's thick, blunt claws might have been rather painful if he didn't know what he was doing...but luckily the chupadore's touch was careful, and despite any initial obliviousness, it clearly was not his first time. "Take a look, then...but goddamn if I ain't gonna need to have the favor returned real quick," the wolf noted with a wink. He spread his thighs wide and then simply arched backward so that his waist thrust up toward Donut's curious features. The chupadore cooed almost immediately at the unobstructed view, opening his fist so he could admire Mahihko's dick freely. It was large in comparison to the wolf's small stature, and it now stood fully erect and free of the furry sheath that normally kept it protected. A total of twelve piercings adorned the white-and-black flesh, six down each side with a ring and stud alternating from base to tip. Mahihko apparently hadn't stopped there -- the flame tattoo that decorated his malehood continued down across his sheath and along his plump testicles...both of which also sported several silver studs. " much did all of that hurt?" Donut wondered aloud as he drew a thumb slowly along Mahihko's knot. The wolf closed his eyes for a moment with a quiet groan, his toes curling slightly as a bit of clear fluid dribbled from his tip. "F-fuck...uh...hurt pretty good at the time," he panted, opening one eye as he studied Donut with a half-grin, his body already twitching with need. "But it's all gravy now. Been told they feel even better on the inside..." Donut's eyes lit up again -- clearly he understood that implication. The chupadore giggled softly as he gave his bedmate another slow stroke, making Mahihko groan quietly and bite his own fist briefly. "Shit, y'gonna embarrass me if I get off so fast, hon..." "Hee hee...I'd take it as a compliment," Donut replied with half-lidded eyes...before he gave a shocked yelp as Mahihko suddenly shifted in a blur of moment. Before Donut realized what was happening, he'd been pushed onto his back with Mahihko straddling his thighs. The wolf's arousal pressed lightly against Donut's torso and Mahiko's hands were already gripping into the snug waistband of his black under-armor. "Now...your turn, sweetie..." "Okay!" Donut exclaimed, grinning shamelessly even as his tail twisted around to almost automatically drop into his hands. He began to knead at the tuft -- less a nervous gesture now than an excited one, however as his eyes sparkled at the sight of Mahihko's own raw sexual energy. "I hope you like it..." "Hon, I'm not sure how I couldn't," Mahihko murmured as he bit his lower lip slightly with the anticipation. Donut's bulge had grown considerably and it took the wolf a bit of effort to actually peel the tight fabric downward. The first thing he noticed as his eyes traced the movement of the waistband was a tattoo, neatly etched into Donut's soft fur just above his crotch. In curving letters was the phrase 'All Aboard!', and it was enough to make Mahihko laugh and flick his eyes upward in amusement. "Oh, that's fuckin' beautiful," he commented, earning a shy giggle from the chupadore, who was practically vibrating with excitement. Mahihko yanked Donut's pants down further and was nearly smacked in the face by the pink flesh that sprung forth. He gave a surprised grunt but leaned back for only an instant before quickly shoving his face back down with a curious grin. True to Donut's looked almost exactly like his own. The chupadore's cock stood proudly free of its pouch, and both the shape of his member and the sheath below might as well have belonged to a canine from Mahihko's home planet. "Well...this definitely makes things easy," the wolf rumbled deep in his throat as he slid backward smoothly. One hand continued to pull Donut's under-armor along his slim legs as the other reached down and lightly grasped into the chupadore's sheath, squeezing the base of his dick slowly. His eyes appraised the silver piercing looped through the tip of his sheath -- it matched one of Mahihko's own -- and he smiled at it before glancing at the simple but elegant hoop that adorned the head of his twitching malehood. Mahihko reached a thumb up and traced a claw carefully along the piercing before tapping the small sphere in the middle with a slight grin. "Very nice." Donut's eyes widened again and he instinctively chomped into the base of his tail to muffle the delighted groan. He could do little more than stare down at the alien, too enthralled to do much else. Mahihko glanced up at him briefly before winking and positioning himself between Donut's thighs. He used a paw to effortlessly push Donut's pants completely off of his legs as his hand gripped lightly into the soldier's side. And without another word, Mahihko opened his muzzle and lowered his head to take his partner's cock easily into his jaws. Perhaps Donut had been too excited to feel the stud on Mahihko's tongue while they'd been kissing moments before. Or perhaps he'd simply forgotten. But it was absolutely brought to the forefront of his sensations now as he felt it grind into the bottom of his erect flesh. The chupadore moaned loudly, toes curling and fingers tightening into his tail as his head rolled back against the pillows. To say the wolf knew what he was doing was practically an insult -- Mahihko's nose was already pushing against his waist as he took Donut all the way to his knot. It seemed almost effortless to Mahihko, and yet there was zero sense of embarrassment for Donut. He could feel his tip pressing lightly into the back of the wolf's throat...he could feel the way Mahihko's tongue swirled around his shaft without ever truly surrounding it. No, he didn't have a small dick. Mahihko just had a really good muzzle. ![]() Mahihko began to bob his head up and down as one hand gently massaged Donut's testicles and the other slid up to draw pink-painted claws sinuously through the fur covering the his stomach. Donut himself already his excitement bubbling upward -- it had been a very long time since he was with someone, after all. His claws worried into his tail but he managed to finally pull it out of his muzzle so he could gasp: "Ooh, god, that feels good...I...I'm not gonna..." With a grin that spread even around the rock-hard dick in his muzzle, Mahihko blindly reached up to find one of Donut's wrists. The chupadore looked surprised for a moment even as his hips thrust upward a bit...and he then found himself flushing deeply when the wolf pulled his hand down to place it between his fuzzy ears. His eyes opened for just a moment, locking gazes with Donut briefly before he winked. The message was clear, and Donut nodded with a dumb, almost nervous, smile. The soldier let his fingers dig lightly into Mahihko's skull and the wolf arched his back somewhat, taking a visible pleasure from the action. It was surprising and yet somehow not, considering the way Mahihko had started to move his head up and down with a greater speed, enjoying the entire scenario. Donut was more than willing to react to his companion's silent instructions and he closed his eyes in concentration, surrendering himself to Mahihko's delightful ministrations. He let his claws tighten carefully into the wolf's head as his hips bucked faster and faster. A whimper built up in the back of his throat and his free hand clutched into the sheets beneath them, desperate for whatever he could cling into as his pleasure reached its peak Mahihko had tasted the distinctive -- and oddly familiar -- salty fluids leaking from Donut's erection and knew his partner had to be close. The wolf moved forward slightly to place his head directly over Donut's crotch and he parted his muzzle just a bit wider so that the next thrust from the chupadore shoved his bulging knot past his teeth and into his jaws. And that was the last straw for Donut's pending orgasm -- the moment Mahihko's maw engulfed the entirety of his shaft tipped him past the breaking point and he gave a trembling cry as both hands flew to the back of the wolf's head. Mahihko shivered in delight when Donut clutched into his skull with both hands, reveling in the tightened grip that helplessly shoved his head downward to bury his nose deep into his companion's waist. The pointed tip of Donut's cock jabbed into the back of his muzzle with tiny, rapid thrusts but Mahihko only arched his back skillfully to make it easier for Donut to work his hilted malehood back and forth as the hot bursts of seed rushed directly into his throat. He could hear Donut attempting to keep his jaws clamped shut, but the piercing shouts of delight were hardly muffled...which was just fine by Mahihko. He guzzled down Donut's release almost entirely -- only a trickle of the off-white fluid slipped back out of his muzzle to run down to his chin and onto Donut's sheath. He waited until Donut's waist finally stopped thrusting, only then carefully opening his jaws and giving a long sigh of pleasure as he let the chupadore's glistening malehood flop free. "Ah...fuck, that was nice," the wolf murmured, grinning and opening his eyes before leaning down to idly lap up the bit of semen he hadn't managed to keep contained. "Whoops. Clearly outta practice..." "Are...are you kiddin' me?" Donut wheezed before giggling dazedly and reaching down to stroke Mahihko's cheek. "That was...amazing. I don't think I've ever had it that, um. Nice. You're really good." The wolf chuckled softly, his own breath heavy as he turned his muzzle to the side to begin trailing kisses from Donut's wrist up along his forearm. "An' you're 'bout as sweet as a glass'a Louisiana iced tea," he replied before his eyes flicked up to Donut's with a mischievous twinkle. "So you done? Or ya got a li'l somethin' left in there?" Donut giggled again despite himself as he found his fingers drawn to Mahihko's ear, his blunt claws tracing the soft appendage lightly before squeezing softly into one of the silver rings. "Oh, I've got plenty more! Besides, it's not every day you get to sleep with an alien!" "Damn right about that," Mahihko laughed before he placed a hand on Donut's chest and leaned up so that his nose pressed gently into the chupadore's muzzle. "So whatcha want, hon? Y'got enough to shove that in me, or you got somethin' else in mind?" The wolf's eyes twinkled, suggestive but hardly pressuring -- he managed to make the question feel like it was honestly Donut's decision and that he'd be fine with anything. ...And Donut was starting to think that was exactly how Mahihko felt. "O-oh, gosh, um..." Donut rubbed his muzzle slowly against Mahihko's before helplessly stealing a quick glance down at the wolf's dribbling erection. It wasn't the size that quite made him ponder the question...but all those piercings... "Oh, wait, I know!" Donut smiled enormously and reached over to fumble blindly in his bedside drawer as Mahihko peered up at him with an entertained smile. A moment later, Donut produced a small clear bottle with an unmistakable liquid inside, prompting Mahihko to laugh. "'Course y'all got lube here...silly of me not to expect that," Mahihko teased before he looked honestly taken aback when Donut continued to smile happily and, rather than hand the bottle to the wolf, instead splashed some of the sweet-smelling fluid onto his own palm. "Uh...oh." It was rare for Mahihko to ever be surprised in bed, and Donut seemed to pick up on that as he gave the wolf a knowing but affectionate smile as he reached down to wrap his slick hand around Mahihko's cock. The wolf closed his eyes and bucked helplessly into Donut's palm once and the chupadore grinned, even as the sensation of his multiple piercings along his hand sent a shiver of anticipation down his spine. He moved his fingers deftly along Mahihko's flesh to coat it with the clear lubricant, and finally reaching down to rub the remainder against his own tailhole with a soft sigh. His green irises gleamed anxiously into Mahihko's, his breath already quickening as he panted: "O-okay, M-Mahihko...I'm ready." "Gods, you're fuckin' adorable," Mahihko murmured, smiling warmly and reaching down to loop one arm around Donut's thigh. Despite his slim frame, he hefted Donut's leg up with ease and gave himself a clear shot to the chupadore's puckered entrance, wasting no time in shuffling forward on his knees. He guided himself into place, glancing down for just a moment to position himself and then meeting Donut's eyes again once he felt his cock grind lightly against his bedmate's anal ring. Mahihko placed his free hand on Donut's hip for support and the two shared a half-grin before the wolf pushed forward with a quiet grunt. They both gave a low groan as Mahihko's engorged flesh slid more than halfway in -- each ring and stud made Donut twitch and whimper, punctuating the long moan rushing out of his open muzzle. Mahihko himself closed his eyes as he bowed his head forward, teeth clenched and claws digging gently into his companion's hide as he did his best to calm his bubbling passion...but fuck, it wasn't easy with how much Donut was visibly enjoying each additional inch that penetrated his tight passage. Mahihko didn't have to see the chupadore to feel his delighted trembles or hear the soft gasps...and once Donut reached down to clutch into his wrist, the wolf's ears flattened and he gave a helpless growl of pleasure. As Donut's fingers gripped tightly around his forearm, Mahihko stopped trying to impress and simply threw himself into the uncontrollable sexual desire roaring between them both. He drove into Donut with a vigorous rhythm, his unique malehood working in and out more smoothly with each pass. The chupadore's own cock had come back to life as well, thumping softly against his stomach in time to the wolf's firm thrusts. As Mahihko hefted Donut's leg higher, the soldier shifted naturally toward one side, steadily turning his body to better complement his partner's position. ![]() Before long, Mahihko's knot started to grind against Donut's entrance each time he raced forward as he bowed his head against his chest with a grin. Donut responded by tightening his grip around Mahihko's wrist while the other arm hugged a pillow fiercely to his body in an attempt to pacify the sharp gasps of delight he uttered every time he felt that distinctive thickness tease his passage. The wolf's excitement was climbing viciously and Donut's cries only served to urge Mahihko onward. And while he really didn't normally care what his partners thought about having the bulbous lump of flesh shoved in...Donut was really fucking cute. And so amidst his heavy panting and through the haze of pleasure that blurred his thoughts, Mahihko attempt to grunt out the question. "O-oh...f-fuck...D-Donut, y-you okay w-with..." Donut's response was to all but scream an affirmative as he squeezed desperately into Mahihko's wrist and bit the pillow clutched to his chest, simultaneously lifting the leg in Mahihko's grip even higher. Mahihko didn't need a second invitation and he plunged his waist forward with all his strength, giving a piercing yell of bliss as he felt his entire length disappear into his companion. Luckily for them both, Donut wasn't new to the experience and both males writhed in pleasure when Mahihko hilted himself, not even the multitude of piercings on the wolf's dick taking away from the chupadore's ecstasy. If anything, Donut called his lover's name louder as they ground along the inside of his passage, wrapping his leg tightly around Mahihko's waist as his toes dug into the lupine's buttocks. It took no more than a few short, sharp thrusts for Mahihko to race past his climax and he groaned in deep pleasure as he put every ounce of strength into ramming himself forward. His orgasm hit hard, the first volley making Donut gasp from the sensation before each additional release of his seed caused rivulets of it to splash back out and coat Mahihko's groin. "Oh...oh, Omega's dick, yes, Hiko, yes!" Mahihko continued the barrage of tiny thrusts for nearly half a minute while Donut practically mewled in the cloud of delight that swarmed around him. His own cock was stiff and leaking, but not quite to climax and he reached down with the hand that had been gripping the pillow...only for Mahihko to pant out: "W-wait, hon..." Donut, still riding the intense wave and so close to his own orgasm, stared up at Mahihko with a confused face. But the wolf met his eyes with an enormous grin, licking his lips and then winking as he pulled himself backward and out of the chupadore in one smooth motion. It took Donut by surprise and he gave a loud moan, eyes rolling backward as he flopped back onto the bed, arching his back and digging his fingers into the sheets. A small pool of Mahihko's fluids leaked out onto the base of his tail, and the sensation alone was almost enough to send him over the edge...but the wolf was quick despite his quivering limbs. Mahihko smoothly slipped a thumb and forefinger around the very base of Donut's shaft, winking and keeping a firm grip around the trembling flesh. "Gotta make the most of this, yeah?" he murmured, eyes fiery with excitement as he moved forward to straddle the soldier. His own cock was still dribbling from the powerful orgasm but Mahihko's eyes were locked with Donut's and nothing else seemed to be on the wolf's mind except sharing one more moment with his companion. The chupadore nodded stupidly and spread his legs slightly to give himself a better angle while squirming a bit as Mahihko guided his aching flesh toward his furry buttocks. His vice-like grip just above the sheath had staved off his orgasm...but they both knew that wouldn't last long when they felt the tip of Donut's shaft press lightly against Mahihko's warm entrance. "C'mon, then, magic space-wolf," Donut teased with a half-smile as he reached up to grip into one of Mahihko's legs for support. "Show me a disappearing trick." Mahihko's eyes gleamed delightedly. "Now there's livin' up to that lightish-red reputation," the wolf fired back, grinning broadly as he felt the head of Donut's cock slip into his welcoming entrance. "Abracadabra," Mahihko purred before rocking back and letting his body drop. It almost was mystical considering the way the chupadore's shaft plunged up to the knot effortlessly, as if Mahihko's slight frame was made for it. And it might as well have been, with how Mahihko gave a blissful howl and arched his back almost painfully. Donut's jaws opened wide to allow a heated moan free while his eyes stared at the sight of the alien creature impaled on his erection. Every inch of Mahihko's body seemed alive with ecstasy, like this was what the wolf lived for, what he was created for. They remained that way for a moment, Mahihko pressed back into Donut's bent legs with his head rolled back, their tails lightly twisted together. The wolf's toes curled into the sheets on either side of the chupadore and they both felt themselves hovering on the edge of climax as they tried to hold it as long as they could. When Donut reached up with a trembling hand to grasp Mahihko's other shin, the wolf was reminded why he was so terrible at prolonging his trysts. The instant his partner's fingers closed around his leg, Mahihko sucked in a breath and brought his head forward to grin hungrily down at Donut. The soldier had only a moment to try and prepare for Mahihko shoving himself upward before he slammed himself back down onto Donut's cock with a happy yelp. Donut's knot was rock-hard but it still popped into the lupine with a frightening ease -- the chupadore gave a strangled gasp of shock, while Mahihko simply closed his eyes again with a gleeful growl, his hands clutching into Donut's thighs and claws digging in for purchase as he pushed himself up without hesitation. Donut's eyes widened, still trying to process the force of sexual energy that was in his lap, clearly not prepared for the way this tattooed, pierced little alien was making a playground out of his dick. ![]() When Mahihko managed to yank himself free of Donut's knot, only to quickly rock back down over it, time began to blur. Donut found his hips thrusting automatically while the wolf yelped sharply in pleasure as he bucked his lithe frame in near-perfect rhythm. At some point, the wolf hit his climax and his flopping erection released several streams of his white seed across Donut's chest that hardly went noticed by either of them as their rising cries became more impassioned. Even as Mahihko's orgasm subsided, he continued to move vigorously for the benefit of his companion. And Donut loved every second of it as he bowed his head and grit his teeth, sweat running down his muzzle as he whined loudly through his clenched jaws. Nearly the entirety of his length plunged in and out of Mahihko with enough speed that his furry testicles smacked audibly against the wolf's buttocks each time. Donut's fingers clamped down fiercely on the wolf's legs and he arched his back hard enough to push his hips entirely off the mattress. His jaws parted enough to let him yell sharply in ecstasy as he shoved himself as deep into Mahihko as he could at his moment of climax. With a series of tiny thrusts, Donut unloaded into the wolf with near-senseless abandon while his tail went stiff from the sheer rush of endorphins. As he came powerfully into his lover, each burst of semen was paired with a panting grunt and the rush of fluids quickly rushed back out to add to the already ruined sheets. Mahihko moaned adoringly at the sensation, his body at last relaxing down onto Donut's lap as his rapid movements finally subsided. Donut wheezed and struggled to catch his breath as he sank down into the mattress, releasing Mahihko's leg to wipe at his forehead while grinning stupidly up at him. ", I" "'All Aboard' indeed," Mahihko rumbled, giving his own crooked grin as he shifted a bit but otherwise stayed contently atop Donut's cock as it twitched gently inside him. " you're really tellin' me this is illegal here, hon?" He leaned forward, his flexible body arching easily even with the chupadore's flesh still locked into his passage. Mahihko placed a hand on Donut's chest, ignoring the mix of sweat and semen while tilting his head down to slowly lick the end of Donut's muzzle. The chupadore giggled quietly, flushed and exhausted but visibly pleased. "Oh gosh, yes. We just broke...a lot of laws. Some that are punishable by death!" "Mmm, that kinda makes it even better," the wolf chuckled while running his claws gently along Donut's sides, then resting back against his legs once more, continuing to smile affectionately at his lover. He slid a paw along the sheets to quietly press it into Donut's arm. "Gonna be the people on this world so far, but hate the rules. Y'all livin' in a shitty reality if y'can't be yourself. Someone should stand up to those fuckers..." Donut laughed quietly and squeezed silently into one of Mahihko's paws while the other hand rubbed tenderly over the wolf's slender leg. "You're really cute, Mahihko. But um...I think you still have a lot to learn about Sirca." The chupadore smiled happily up at him again. "There's a lot that's pretty awful here, can find some good things if you're willing to explore all the dark holes!" he murmured, his ever-positive expression shining up to the entertained lupine. Mahihko couldn't help but smile in return as he settled into Donut's lap and leaned back against his thighs again. "Normally I'd argue but...fuck, hon, you gotta way 'bout you that I can't help but appreciate. You're right -- ain't nothin' wrong with takin' the good where you can when you're surrounded by bullshit." He paused and then grinned slightly. " think you c'n reach my pants without gettin' up? I gotta real important radio call to make, an' I ain't done enjoyin' this afterglow..." ![]() Red vs Blue © Rooster Teeth Productions. Halo © 343 Industries. Works on this page otherwise the property of their creators. |