by tom_the_wagon Sirca is a ring world currently going through a holy war. Our main character was traumatized by his past becoming a soldier seeking revenge upon a few those who took his home and family. Now he will leave a scar on the chupas like that of his own flesh.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | |
Chapter 1: Bunk Mates
The sound of a faucet is heard as it is quickly turned off, a medicine cabinet being shut as the mirror reveals a blue chupa with messy long hair as he wipes it out of the way of his eyes. The chupa wore a blank expression, a piercing on his left eye brow as he opened his maw inspecting his teeth, a visible tongue piercing. He picked up a toothbrush doing his normal after shower routine freshening himself up, turning around to the mirror. His back was covered in burn scars clearly from an accident with a fire, he turned back around now in his casual wear. "Hey hurry up, briefing is soon," a voice yelled from the door, another soldier waiting outside for him. It was only basic training but he knew he would have to attend. "We got only a couple minutes Greinger hurry up" the sand colored chupa replied as Tom nodded. The sergeant that stood on a stage above them spoke up "Today you will be sent on your first assignments. Well most of you, some of yall have surpassed expectations and will be contacted soon, stand by for more info." Somewhere excited about this, others nervous Tom kept his blank expression thinking of whether or not he got accepted for special forces training, he would only be able to know a few days later after this briefing.
It's been three days after that briefing, Tom was now on a pelican flight landing at a secluded base in Blarganthia; it had an arid climate and was close to wortistan. As he unloaded his new commanding officer approached him a blue chupa in full uniform "Greinger, welcome to your new home for the next three weeks, as you know this will be your training period failing will result to you going back to infantry and on the front line, I hope you know this soldier." Tom turned and saluted the chupa "Yo new guy" a turquoise chupa said from above Tom's bunk. Tom looked to see the chupa who had spoken to him, his bright blonde hair and small face with no piercings or scars looking at Tom in curiosity. "As long as you don't piss the bed I'll be fine, if not you're getting bottom bunk" Tom said as he finished putting up his stuff now standing looking at Ramon. Ramon had a short yet fit stature standing a head lower than Tom as he looked over Ramon he noticed scars on his hands fairly deep looking. "I haven't done that since I was a kid. I wouldn't worry about it" Ramon said, humoring himself as he sat up in his bunk in the casual wear the base had provided. Tom was handed one of these when walking to the barracks. "So what's your reason for being here? Surely you're not here just to be special forces or kill those that oppose blue force" Ramon said with the same face of curiosity as before as he asked the question. Tom took a moment to think about his answer. "Kinda wanna go to the freelancer core maybe H.A.D.E.S if they were to take me but that will only happen when recruitment day comes." Tom said not fully understanding what either did but he knew they had more freedom then most soldiers but were harder jobs. "That's not what I meant, what's the true reason you're here?" Tom looked at Ramon confused for a moment before it clicked in his head. "I have nowhere else to go and I knew sooner or later I'd have to join eventually y'know serve your people and all that" Tom replied Ramon looking at his face with regret from asking, Tom taking note of his reaction saying. "It's fine to ask, it's normal and my parents died when I was young, you're fine". This was normal for Tom to bring up and it had been years since the incident and tries to bring it up in a more casual way not trying to make it seem dramatic. Ramons expression changed, relaxing but still had some discomfort in his face, this first day wouldn't be too bad. Red vs Blue © Rooster Teeth. Halo © 343 Industries. Concept by Myshu, assisted by The Department of Chupapology.Powered by Random image |