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Echoes of R[e]volution

by ItsDaKoolaidDude

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16

Chapter 12


Despite the expansive, three-tiered and repurposed railway station, the Movement didn't have an army's worth of personnel. Even though Wash had told Tysiac that their goal was to cure Werewolves, stop the Director's insanities, then stop the current holy war; The ONI Spartan could see that such goals were a lofty and far into the distant future. If Tysiac had been the judge on how best to direct the Movement, he would've ramped up propaganda and recruitment.

Bethany and Wash tried to reassure him, but Tysiac couldn't bring himself to believe they were ever ready for any assault on Omega. Not with how little he himself knew of Omega, his abilities, or how his House kept control over Sirca. His years with ONI had trained him to never assume on such dangerous topics. You either knew what to do and when you can launch your campaign, or you were not and were focusing your efforts on getting ready for it.

Bethany seemed to have the belief she could fight the Director and all of Sirca by herself, and it reminded Tysiac a few times Allison had that arrogance. The Chupadore woman was competent and strong, yes. Easily to see she was the top Freelancer equal to the way Beta-Texas had been, yet where was Beta-Texas now? The last record ONI had made over her was that the rogue Agent Maine had attacked her, he took her and Omega, and used them both to fuel his ambitions until the EMP detonation destroyed them inside Freelancer Command. All her strength and competence, yet Beta-Texas was gone. And where was Allison...

York's approach at the bar interrupted Tysiac's thoughts, having two bottles in claws and handing one over to the out-of-armor Spartan, who took it with a thankful nod. During the days Tysiac had been getting used to living with the Movement, he had been busy as ever, both socially and with his line of work.

He bugged as many places as he could in areas he considered important to do so. The exterior of the L-Base held plenty of sensors and cameras that he brought from the Last Word. During that time, Tysiac took a better look at the entrance since he had been busy talking with Bethany Tex, the exterior of L-Base was that of a rundown and nearly forest-consumed station of sorts. Whether it used to be a trading train station, a train maintenance station, or just a commercial train station, he didn't know.

Back on topic, Tysiac secretly bugged each of the Freelance agents' offices, placed and hidden sensors down the railways, and the two labs. That way, he'd can quickly pick up on everything the Freelancers and the Movement would plan out. Only issue was when to drop hints and having to move the cameras around to avoid being found out.

Most of his time was interacting with the Movement. While many militia members were friendly enough to socialize with him and he could add them to his personal roster in case he ever needed to direct them into some plan, he had mixed results interacting with the Freelancer Agents themselves.

York, as he sat down on the stool next to him with a smile, was the easiest. Certainly the most sociable and perhaps Tysiac's only method of making sense of the other Freelancers. Tysiac felt the most at ease with him, as if Agent York of ONI Sect Three's Freelancer never died or left, just changed species. However, given the more flirtatious nature that Chupadore York had, it still jarred Tysiac from time to time... Especially whenever York started behaving like he was Wash's boyfriend in more ways than one. Though, sometimes Tysiac would find York in a depressive mood. And the Spartan knew why, though he elected to not pry into the subject about Agent Carolina... not yet.

Constance, the name Tysiac had used instinctively for the Chupadore woman, a name that was both irritating and comforting to her, was a bit more guarded. She watched him in various ways - with suspicion, with genuine interest, or with complete avoidance. And yet Constance never hesitated to be the first to deliver any messages to the Spartan whenever someone needed him.

During the times Tysiac used the gym, which was separated from the bunkroom only by a wall of crates with an opened pathway with a tied down tarp to serve as a makeshift entrance, Constance would sometimes be there. Either she was there before him, sharpening her knives and sword, or she would find him there. And she had the tendency of watching him lift weights that impressed even Bethany Tex, especially when Tysiac had once explained to a militia that 79kg had been an expected exercise for Spartans to maintain their physique, among other exercises.

Wash was... amiable. Whenever Tysiac brought something to the table that helped either secure the Movement's location more, or added in a protocol in case of the most likely crisis, Wash would hear them out or work with them. That said, there were times the Chupadore didn't seem to like Tysiac, likely because of his nature as an ONI agent.

Bethany... That was amongst the biggest mixed of bags to Tysiac. There were times she was luring him to get into his pants, then times where she wanted nothing to do with him. Sometimes, she acted as if she needed to prove she was greater and better than the Spartan. Other times, some of his stories shocked or impressed her. But the most consistent nature with Bethany was that she felt impatient. Her eyes would constantly flit towards Church whenever she visited him in the labs. Or she would give a fierce frown as she stared off into space. At best guess, Tysiac would say that impatience was her being frustrated with minimal results happening, either for Church's cure or getting anywhere against the Director or Omega.

He wished he had the right words to tell Beth off on thinking that results are so easily gained just by running off on her own... Though that would've meant revealing Allison and how much the Spartan could see in similarities with Beth... It wasn't a conversation he was ready for.

York's claw jostled Tysiac's shoulder, making him look over towards the Chupadore, "Ey. Quit spacing out all the time. You nearly made Cali think you were checking her out."

Tysiac glanced over to the side to see the black-furred Freelancer nearby one of the billiard tables. Hearing her name, the Chupadore turned to see the Spartan looking at her. She gave a sour glare in return before looking away.

As York commented, "You should have spoken up," the Spartan gave a small huff to the woman. She likes hearing your stories about the UNSC fighting the Covenant.

Tysiac gave a small sigh before taking a drink from the bottle York had given him, "It's too early to consider interspecies relationships. The War's still too fresh on everyone's mind."

"Hey." York said as he gave a gentle shake with his claw on Tysiac's shoulder, "Y'all still won it, right?"

"At the expense of hundreds of colonies lost, glassed planets that will need years of terraforming, and an untold number of lives, both civilian and military." Tysiac insisted with an irked tone, "You Chupadores only have grudges between two armies of your own people while being preached that dying was a 'glorious duty'. The Covenant had the same thought while they were committing genocide."

Tysiac's memory started slipping into focus as the ONI agent thought he heard a familiar song being played on the bar's radio. Some song he heard on Reach, back in Club Errera just before he had to report back at Sword Base, just ten minutes before York's 'friends' got bored with York.

The song changed pitch, and the lyrics started to not match what Tysiac remembered, pulling him out of his memories in time to hear York say, "Yeesh. Meet some aliens who can't even get far in their own system and take the fact that Cali and I are very charming and good looking as 'dangerous'."

Tysiac responded by lifting himself a little higher and delivering a restrained swat to the back of York's head. York took the blow with stride and a grinning laugh as Tysiac sat back down, though the Spartan couldn't resist giving a grim smile. Though York leaned back over to the human, "Seriously. I can get having leftover grudges. But com'on, we're just a group of clueless Chupas that only got space shuttles and space stations floating about while we're fighting each other just to prove who's the best general and get a seat in the House."

"A war of 'Territory Capture' with the added condition of 'Capture the Flag'." Tysiac emphasized, "I said it's too early for us to consider getting closer than being 'friends' and 'allies'. Ask me again in five years. Chances are, you'll probably get a more favorable answer."

York gave a chuckle, "Y'know, 'friends' is a pretty flexible term on Sirca. But hey, you want me to wait around, maybe some of your 'allies' might show up and be more interested."

That brought Tysiac to laugh openly. The thought of seeing York trying his best to flirt with Sangheili broke past the Spartan's dour thoughts. His laughter brought attention from the other militia as he explained, "You'd have better chances trying to flirt with an AI, York. Though I'd be happy seeing the Swords of Sangheili coming with an assault carrier and aiding us. Omega would've been dead by the end of the week and I'd have to fight the Swords themselves on propaganda as they try teaching you lot about their culture."

He nudged his hand against York's claw, "Just keep in mind, the Sangheili warriors are deeply rooted in honor and fighting. Expect plenty of honor-duels, high expectations, and having to memorize someone's complete lineage. That's the most I remember what I've learned about them, but the closest you'll get is your 'offers of interest' being politely ignored."

York put his claws up, "Alright, alright. So nothing to be done with them. At least I can settle my luck with brooding superhumans."

Tysiac gave a long look to the Chupadore. Even though he was a Spartan, he was savvy enough to pick up on York's flirtation, replying, "You never give up, do you?"

The Chupadore gave his best charming grin as he leaned back, bottle in claw, "Hey. Can you blame me for trying?" He quickly listed things off with one free claw, "You're the first human on Sirca. You're a superhuman who can beat up a runt Alpha Werewolf with Tex barely helping you. Tys, you've basically told and proven to us lowly Chupadores that there is a vast galaxy out there, filled with other aliens, planets, and sights, and we're walking into a tense post-war situation. Regardless if Omega is dead or not." The grin faded as he moved closer to Tysiac and gave a gentle nudge with his shoulder, "And you're someone who's got a lot on his shoulders, and I'm not talking about 'classified details', Tys."

Oh... How tempting that offer was... A small part of Tysiac wanted to pull the damned lizard into a close hug. The times he saw the Chupadore becoming sullen and as brooding as the Spartan was whenever he started drifting into memories of Constance, York or Allison... It was hard to not tell the depressed alien that he knew of another Carolina, that he maintained the theory that the same had happened to the Chupadore Carolina and she was still in hiding.

That same small part of him felt like crying as Tysiac mentally forced it away. He gave a quiet sigh as he told York, "I've brought the galaxy to your doorstep and while it's not the grand tour that I would've picked if there was some knowledge you Chupas existed. But that's twisted luck." He nudged the Chupadore back with his arm as he said, "And you're shining a light into something. And you have very little idea what is in there."

Tysiac gave a meaningful look towards York, "I won't brag about having ghosts on my mind, York," He felt a flicker of guilt, or perhaps regret with that indirect jab as York's expression briefly broke, "but there are some things you'll live regretting just from hearing about it."

The Spartan could see York's claw grip his bottle a little tighter, his usual grin faltering just enough to look like he would break down. A moment later and he seemed to force a smile that didn't quite reach far, "I do not know how the hell you keep hitting shit that close to the heart, Tys. Like a damn sniper with words..."

He returned to nudging Tysiac with his shoulder again, with a little more strength than perhaps the Chupadore wanted to use, "But I get it. I'll keep out of your ghost's way..." York gave a hollow laugh as he turned to his bottle, "Shit, Tys. Now you've gotten me moody. At least ghosts don't go marching up and around your doorstep."

"No. Yet they're still showing up in front of-"

Tysiac immediately tensed up, his eyes quickly flickering open as his mind caught what he let slip. This was now becoming unacceptable. His memories were slipping in and out of his mouth, more and more.

York's head had turned toward him, at first with a lighthearted smile, before his green eyes narrowed in thought. The two said nothing as Tysiac's fist started tightening, trying to will the very words from not being registered to York where he would start asking...

Unfortunately, his twisted luck ran its course, "That look again. The hell's going on, Tys? I didn't pry into it ever since I saw that look from the showers after the Werewolf kid got tranq'd. But now I'm starting to notice that it's eating through you, Tys..."

York's claw gently wrapped around Tysiac's tense shoulder as he nudged the Spartan closer towards the thick fur of the Chupadore's shirtless side, "None of that sounds like this is classified secrets, Tysiac." The Spartan's eyes briefly flickered wide as York used his full codename rather than the nickname Bethany spread about, "And don't think I'm the only one who keeps noticing something's up. Connie's been talking too, and I'll tell you something, she's realizing something is up. Every time you looked at me, Connie, and Tex. And now I'm seeing it too."

"York." Tysiac's words came out almost at a hiss as he tried to warn the Chupadore, "This is one spot of darkness you do not want to be in."

"You're the one who's poking his nose into my spot, Tysiac." York started growling, his chest giving enough of a rumble to vibrate the human's head a little.

Now it was Tysiac's turn to growl back at the larger alien. His hand started drifting towards York's elbow and grabbed a handful of fur, "Yet who is it that began prodding, Agent New York? Leave what's buried where they belong. You've enough on yourself as it is, this is not where you want to have more added on your shoulders."

He couldn't see York's eyes looking down at him, but Tysiac could take a good guess as the Chupadore said, "You're already adding more on me and Constance. I don't know if Tex is seeing the same thing. But whatever the hell it is, you're terrible on trying to keep us blind to it."

York finally let go of Tysiac's shoulder, letting the ONI agent lean away, "I'll let it go for now, Tys. But you're not good at hiding whats bugging you about us. From what I've learned, especially with you, shit like that doesn't just go away that easily."

Tysiac returned to his bottle and drained it quickly as he began leaving. He needed another blood draw from Church, since he had added his efforts and Humanity's advances in genetic augmentation to figure out the Werewolf augmentations. The Spartan didn't have an answer to York's words, only a hope that sounded weaker the more he dwelled on it.

It'd be almost an hour spent recovering from York's prying before Tysiac reached Church.

Apparently, the Chupadore 'Alpha' wasn't alone. Bethany was there alongside one of the scientist, thumbing a syringe that had a serum contained.

His arrival made Bethany turn to look, "Bit late, Tys." She commented.

Tysiac kept his reply vague, "Got pulled around by York. The guy's chatty."

"The best at it." Bethany smirked, "Really knows how to get into your heart, one way or another."

The Spartan had to force the smile to not falter as he asked, "What's his new dose this time?"

The scientist gave a small look towards him, "Well, the cocktail's supposed to keep him sedated to counteract the violent impulses."

"He said it'd 'induce a partial trance'." Bethany added, making the light-pink haired Chupadore nod.

"Mmhm. During the trance, he'll be the most open to hypnotic suggestions that should overwrite the original programming of maim and kill."

"And I had to be chained up because?" Church asked in an incredibly grumpy tone.

The scientists gave a nervous chuckle, "It's just for safety. More ours than yours, but without the voice of the person who originally hypnotized you, it's kind of a crap-shoot. So the shackles are part of the precautions."

"And both me and Tys get to be the other precautions." Bethany said with another cocky smirk, cracking a few knuckles. Tysiac would've corrected her that he was more there to draw blood and run more tests with his DNA and genetics to figure out the nitty-gritty details. However, since they were running the newest shots, he couldn't risk drawing blood without catching some of the cocktail.

There was also wanting to send the samples off to ONI. Afterall, as much as Tysiac would argue that Project Werewolf was a shitshow effort to make super-soldier sleeper agents, learning what the Director was using for those augmentations would certainly be something of interest.

Who knows? ONI might end up making a safer variety of the augmentations or even a cure. It worked for the Spartan-IIIs and IVs.

Church started squirming away from Bethany as he muttered, "I suddenly feel a lot less safe than I did a minute ago."

Looking at the scientist, Bethany said, "Let's not dance around the issue."

Tysiac then learned that Church didn't like needles. As the scientists injected him, Church tensed up and made the insertion much more painful than it needed to be, much to Bethany's exasperation about him being 'a big baby' about it.

Church's retort to Bethany's comment interrupted as the Werewolf side of him snapped, making him growl animalistic. His eyes almost instantly changed from an irritated deep blue to a narrow and enraged yellow as he slouched over.

The now active werewolf ripped one of his bound arms completely free from the brick wall, the shackle still attached as he gave a roar and made a lethal swipe towards the scientist.

Both Tysiac and Bethany were on Church in an instant. Bethany gave a hard punch to Church's throat while Tysiac delivered a vicious downward kick into the downed Chupadore's solar plexus. The combined assault brought Church to a dead stop, leaving him twitching and gasping as the scientist started inspecting the Chupadore for damage.

"Never seen someone get downed that hard." He commented, "I hope you didn't deal any permanent damage."

"Eh." Bethany carelessly replied, "He'll live. I'll make it up to him later."

"Originally, I came here for a quick blood test." Tysiac said, "But I'll come back later once that cocktail's run its course."

Bethany gave a genuinely curious look to the Spartan. He noticed and said, "ONI has extensive knowledge revolving on biological and genetic augmentations. After all, that's how they made us Spartans."

Her eyes widened as she asked, "You're a Spartan?" She then gave a smirk as she asked, "What? You're one of the Spartan-IIs you keep praising about?"

"Spartan-III." Tysiac gave a small smirk in response, "Not as close to the IIs, but that's not stopping me from proving how we earned the title 'Demons' from the Covenant."

Bethany gave a returning smirk of her own as she asked, "Sounds like a challenge, Tys. In fact, was hoping for a chance to take a crack at Spartans. All this talk and you keep swearing up n' down they're real, so now I'm definitely asking for a fight."

Tysiac gave a small roll of his eyes, knowing that Bethany was out of her league. However, he didn't respond or rise to her words as the two left the brig, "Are we going to keep Church here?"

"Nah," Bethany replied, "Just need to get that wolf side of him under control, or even better, cured." She gave a small glance towards the Spartan, "You really think your guys could find something to fix all of this?"

He gave a more careful thought on how to respond, "ONI... can find something to fix your Werewolves. However, you'll have to understand it's never in the kindness of our hearts."

Her expression soured as the two came to a pause in the hallway. She crossed her arms and asked, "They're going to ask us for something, won't they?"

"Yes." Tysiac answered honestly, "We can, and could, develop something. However, ONI doesn't leave loose ends, and it'll come with a price."

Bethany gave a grumble that was nearly inaudible, except because of his enhanced hearing, Tysiac could hear her words, "Of course it will..."

He continued, unflinching at her tone, "The best I can advise you is a partnership between the Movement and ONI, which is shaky ground considering we're still in a post-war state. We don't want promises or choices. We want outcomes, results."

The two stared at each other for a few moments before Bethany began looking away towards the brig where Church was. Her crossed arms fell as one claw started rubbing her arm. The woman's tone remained sour and bitter at what her best given option could be, "You're asking me to gamble everyone here to whatever the hell your office is going to do to them. How the hell am I supposed to trust any of that?"

Tysiac's gaze didn't waver from her. Memories started playing up again, but they were manageable to keep Bethany and Allison separated in his mind, "It's a risk that'll save Church and every other Werewolf. Including York. It's also the risk that'll help you and the Movement from losing."

Her eyes turned back to the Spartan, "And what happens if your office of shady assholes decides we're not worth it? Or they keep dangling the damn thing in front of us, wanting to see all the tricks we'll do to get it?"

"That's a gamble you'll have to risk." He replied and gave advice, "Keep your cards close and options open. Your best option to work something with ONI is to think like us. Give us something that'll make us want to be involved. This ring world being certainly one of them."

Bethany's expression became more curious as she asked, "What do you mean? What about Sirca?"

A small smile spread across Tysiac's lips, making his tone conspiratorial, "How much do you really know about this ring? Ignoring the myths that Omega's made, how much do you know about Sirca, the exotic architectures and structures that Omega's been calling temples?"

She looked lost in what he was implying to her. Bethany blinked a few times as Tysiac could tell the woman was trying to figure out what the hell he was telling her. After a few more seconds of thought, Bethany gave an unhappy frown at him and said, "Tys, cut the fucking evasion. I hated it whenever the Director played his games with me, and I still fucking hate it now. What the hell are you trying to tell me?"

"I'm telling you to find out what you can control over Sirca's secrets. ONI already is aware of Sirca and it being a ring world. However, none of us knows what the ring contains besides your species."

"Tys," Bethany's voice became louder, her anger and exasperation becoming much more apparent, "We don't have time to play archeology and mythology! We don't even have anywhere we can go because of the House hoarding all the temples! Even if we found one they don't have, people to still guard it. People who don't follow Omega, but still don't want anyone snooping around."

Tysiac gave a frustrated huff at her, "Beth, I'm not telling you to drop everything and start digging. I'm telling you to think bigger than just fighting the Director, more than just fighting Omega and surviving this kind of war." He softened his expression at her, "I'm not leading you into blind alleys or pulling you into corners where you're forced to obey ONI like a pet. I'm giving you pieces on how to play this out." Tysiac gave a small motion towards one wall, "Look at the structures, those 'temples' of yours. How they're built. Ask yourself why none of it looks like something your people would've made."

He added a new piece to Bethany's thoughts, "Because I know full well that Omega did not make any of them, and neither did he make this ring. And ONI knows with just as much certainty as I do. Doesn't matter how much the House tells you how Sirca's origins were. He didn't make any of this, only took the reins and made himself your people's god. Wouldn't you want to know how your people came to be, since Omega's a liar and a thief playing god over you?"

Now he knew Bethany's curiosity was growing. He could see the gears turning in her head, even if Bethany wasn't the same as Allison. Tysiac began walking up the stairs to the third level of L-Base, which made the Chupadore look up and quickly follow. Soon, she said, "Say I believe you... The hell starts when we start poking, and when the hell do we start figuring things out?"

"That's up to you and the Movement, Beth." He said with assurance, "Take the narrative before anyone else does and before Omega can stop you. ONI won't wait, if I take too long finding everything out for them. The UNSC will certainly not wait for the moment ONI lets them be aware. I can delay how much I deliver to ONI, but you're the one now aware that our eyes are on you, Omega and Sirca."

Her anger came back, though she relaxed enough that it was out of frustration with his words. Running a claw through her hair, she sighed, "I hate this. You're holding a lot back, and I hate that you're doing that. And I hate that I'm thinking about what you're saying..." She glanced back towards the brig, her eyes filled with a mixture of helplessness and sadness, "I fucking hate how things just can't be simple anymore. All I wanted was to stop the Director, save Church, kick ass and be the big hero."

Tysiac risked putting a hand on the Chupadore, which briefly made him remember just how tall Chupadores could be even with his armor granting him a bit of extra height. She didn't appreciate the gesture, but neither did she resist it as he said softly, "It's why you're the leader around here, Beth. This is your chance at being that." He gave a few small pats with his hand before going down to the mess hall, "Just remember, you have people who will fight with you. Don't try doing this all by yourself." A smirk left his lips as he gave a verbal jab at her, "You'll look like a wrinkled elder, if you do."

That snapped Bethany's attention as she quickly gave a middle finger at him with a cocky smile. With the smirk remaining on his lips, Tysiac continued his way to the mess hall.

Red vs Blue © Rooster Teeth. Halo © 343 Industries. Concept by Myshu, assisted by The Department of Chupapology.

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